Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Great to be home

Hey all,
Thought Id better update you all on my wonderful week.... *sarcasm detected*
It really all started last week when I got a cold........ it wore me out. So Sunday we headed to the medical centre where they said I have a middle ear infection as did poor Greggie So after spending $ on antibiotics we came home. Sunday arvo/evening we cleaned up Mitchells room (its now his room and not our storage!!)
Sunday night I took my tablet and about 1/2 later my right arm was tingling then started to cramp... as did my leg. I sat down and the cramp was so severe I ended up laying on the floor. ARGH! about 1/2hr later it happened again. Paul and I decided that it was better to go to the hospital and get checked out. After organising Pauls bro to mind Gregory who was sleeping peacefully. We packed Mitchell up and arrived there around midnight and got taken straight to a 'bed'. They were really packed out and had no blankets!!! Anyhow,... after about 45mins I had another cramp. At about 2:00 I sent Paul home with Mitchell to get some sleep. The doctor finally came and saw me about 2:45 and took some blood and did some basic tests on reflexes and stuff. At about 3:45 he came to the conclusion that I had siezures..... He said that I needed to have blood tests and a CT scan done in the morning but I could go home - caught a cab home at 4 in the morning oh yippee!
Monday morning I had to be at the hospital at 10:00 for tests so luckily Megan and Michael were able to look after the boys for us - Thanks sooooooo much! (Both Megs Mike and Makka are all a little unwell with the flu at the moment.... get better!)
I had the CT done and went to the emergency waiting room... and the waiting began. They thought I had gone home... like umm NO!! You told me to wait for the results! grrr.... anyhow... by 1:00 I asked if I could finally have something to eat, they said yeh I spose... Yay for vending machines.... such healthy food (not!). Meanwhile I sent Paulie to get lunch for Greg & himself, and organise more bottles for Mitchie. 2:15 comes.... 'they are seeing someone now, you're next'... okies.... 3:30.... they (a female doctor) finally see me... tell me the scans came back normal. They want to do another test,... I have to be an inpatient for that otherwise it will take up to 3 months..... ARGH! Right,... well... back to the waiting room... they need the bed im in. Went off to get some food (well it had been all day). Went to see my boys and Megs,Mike and Makka.... then come home to organise some clothes for the night and I get a phone call.... "where are you? Are you ok? You didnt tell anyone you were leaving!" well... pft that set me off. A male doctor had told me to go get food, let the desk know that I was leaving (which was a pain coz the lady at the desk told me to take a seat and wait...! The male dr came over and set her straight.) Anyhow,.. get back to the waiting room and have to wait again... About 6:30 They call me over and tell me that they found me a bed - I get asked to fill in some paperwork and sit back down. Ok... so after waiting in the waiting room since 11 in the morning I get a bed about 7:00 at night.... have missed lunch, and missed the hospital dinner (I'm told I didn't miss much... )
A really helpful female doctor came in to see me & asked HEAPS of questions and did a HEAP of tests and came to the conclusion that I did NOT have seizures *what a relief*.
They took some blood for more tests and organised for a specialist to see me in the morning. Gregory was lucky and had a sleep-over at Grum n Lyndas (Thanks!) and my parents looked after Mitchell for a while when Paul came up to the hospital for a while during the night.
To cut a long night short (a girl screaming because of a broken leg, man smoking in the bed next to me....) They thought I had a DVT (blood clot) so went for leg ultrasound this morning. It came up clear *phew again*. The specialist came to see me and asked more questions. He came to the conclusion that it was severe cramping and was checking the blood test results..... I have low magnesium levels which can cause this. Well... I'm relieved that its not seizures, not clotting and that they found what was really happening.
Im also really glad to be home with my 3 boys *aww* I missed them so much!

Its time like this I realise that I have some really good family and friends that I can count on. I'm also so lucky to have wonderful boys and great hubby. *sigh*
I'm home now and had a rest this afternoon. I'm now on some tablets. Given Mitchie a bath and he loved it! I also took some photos of my boys tonight (Greg wanted to go for a walk outside even though its FREEEEEZING) and he loves giving Mitchie hugs Awww!

Must go - Congratulations if you made it through this far on my blog!! I know I rambled... but I have now de-stressed *phew* and looking forward to nice sleep in my own bed.

Its great to be home!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Pasher Bulker is FREEEEEE

A re-cap/update
Gregory is now 20months old and doing very well. He hasnt been talking much except for a few little words like dad, car and ball. He says mum if he really needs to. His favourite thing at the moment is hi-5's and giving hugs!! He gives hugs to nearly anyone :o)
Mitchell is 3 months later this week (oh goodness where has that time gone?). He started giggling last week and returns smiles all the time. He loves tummytime and has started gnawing his hands.... I think he's teething!! argh!
Paulie loves it when Gregory runs up to him when he gets home from work.
I'm enjoying the challenge of 2 under 2. I'm still adjusting to managing brekkie every morning! (Couldnt the whole time while I was pregnant due to morning sickness) I've managed to have enough time to do some sewing (ie time out!!) and made Gregory some new overalls.

So there's the low-down of my world at the moment. My boys (all 3 of them) are my world. (I recently added a friend to myspace whos dear little boy Kaleb has ended up with shakenbaby syndrome. Seeing what he has been through and seeing his photos makes me realise just how precious each moment and each day is with the people you care about and love.)

Yay the spicegirls are touring (oh how exciting? hear the sarcasim)
Can't wait - my birthday soon!! yayayayay
Take care you lot

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Yeh well ya get that

Hey you all,
Spose you're wondering why I'm a slacker eh? Most of you should know my excuse, I mean reasons :oP
My 2 darling boys & wonderful hubby and I have been busy with day-to-day life, a trip to Sydney, a few birthdays, the Dubbo Show, trivia nights, bbqs and catching up with family and spending time together.

We got the first lot of bloodtests back for Mitch... so far so good..... but there's more tests at 3 months of age....... still fingers crossed.

As I mentioned.... My niece Makayla turned 1 at the start of the month and we went to her birthday party. Gregory had a great time playing with the other children, while Mitchell spent some time with his lovely Nanna. We all had a yummy feast but I especially liked the yummy cake.... ooooo... birthday cake!!! My brother and my dad have also had birthdays - lots of cake!

On the long weekend in June we went on a family holiday to Sydney to catch up with family and friends. It was the first chance for most of the people we caught up with to meet Mitchell (we also showed off our lovely Gregory too!!) We caught up with my friend Julie on the way through and spent time with my school friend Kelly and her hubby Dave (thanks guys!!), had lunch with cousins Sarah & Mark, A.Lyn and U.Steve before heading to Val and Jons for dinner and hang out for a while. It was great to see them and spend time hanging out - we don't get to do that much anymore!
On Sunday we took Gregory to the Wiggly Playcentre (a lot like Kidzoo in Dub-vegas). It was a great time.... and it wore Gregory out!! aww. We had lunch with Dan and got to go DFO shopping *yay!!!*. We spent the evening with Pauls cousins Debbie, Wally, Taylah, Jaime, Karina and Pappa.
After a late night of chatting with Kel til all hours we headed home on Monday to our new TV cabinet waiting for us. *yay*

We had a visit from Pammie & Beaux last weekend. It was great to see them both. They brought home their new lappys - Pams with some of her uni assignments on it. She's doing computer animation and the stuff she is doing is fantastic! If this is her first of 4 years (I think?) then I'm at odds to imagine what she'll be doing when she finishes!! OMG!
The kids and I caught up with my Uncle Phil this week when he came to Dub-vegas for a week to help my Gran out after an operation. He mentioned that it was wonderful to have some time with his mum :o) I know what that is like.

We took Gregory to the Dubbo Show. He loved seeing the ponies and watching the horses around the track. We also went past the rides and he loved watching the cha-cha and the dodgem cars (yeh like thats a surprise eh?)

Life has been busy and doesnt look like slowing down. Last weekend we (Paul & I) went to a Trivia night to raise money for an education fund for 2 lovely kids who lost their father just before Christmas in a work accident. It was just amazing to see the support out there for their Mum. We all had a great night as my parents looked after the boys for us and we got out.
Speaking of my parents looking after the boys... Paul & I went to the movies this week and saw Shrek 3. It was a good movie...... you can't go past the original Shrek.

I plan to go back to work one day a week next term.... looking forward to it but at the same time I know I'll miss my boys!! speaking of the boys...... boys are sleeping so I'd better get some shut-eye while I can... I shall endeavor to update a little more.... I have been trying to keep the boys bloggies updated (Mitchell & Gregory)

Take care you lot!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Contemplation & New Perspective

Hey all,

Today I got the DCS newsletter in the mail, and I've been thinking about life since then. There was a link to this blog - http://www.georginabrooke.blogspot.com/ for a little girl who is in year 3/4 at school. This gorgeous darling is in an induced coma and has been for 20 days. The doctors are still not sure what is causing her problems or how to treat her. It's awesome to see the support from the Christian community for her and her family. Theres been comments and prayers on her blog from all over the place and from people who don't know her. I found myself weeping at the keyboard, unable to type my own comments while reading the situation she is in and the prayers/comments of others who visit her site.
It makes me wonder how and why something like this happens to such a precious child. I couldn't imagine being so helpless seeing my own child in such a situation. It was hard enough for me to let Gregory go into surgery for his hip - knowing the cause and treatment, let alone being able to cope with not knowing the cause or treatment. Please pray for her and her family, and the doctors treating her.

On a brighter note, Mitchell had ultrasound scans on his hips yesterday and also some blood tests. Paulie picked up the u/s scan today - and I opened them .... oooo norti me! Mitchie has been given the all clear for his hips!! It's such a relief!! Just hanging out for the blood test results which we should get back next week when we visit the doctor.
We (Greg, Mitch and me) just went over to the shop to tell my mum and brother the good news.We stopped by and saw Gran A on the way home. It was lovely to see her.

Other news:
Pammie comes home this weekend :o) YAYAYAY
It's Mothers Day on Sunday (2nd one for me ). I'm having family over and cooking a baked dinner - Yummy!!
Greggie has 2 more teeth coming through ARGH!

Anyhow... going to try and get some rest! *yeh right..... *

Friday, April 27, 2007

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Photo News

Hey all,
Just a quick update. Today Mitchell and I were in the Dubbo Photo News. The photo was taken while we were still in hospital and Mitchell was still in the Nursery.
Since my last blog, we've taken Mitchell on his first family outing - we went to the Mall... Megs came with us. While we were there, Gregory saw a motorbike that was being used as a prop for a photo thingo. I ended up giving in and having his pic taken.... Haven't done that before (except Santa photo). He really enjoyed sitting on the bike but didn't want to get off!!! Oh well.... they ended up distracting him with a ball and all was good.
We also went to visit my Grandma (mums mother) who was delighted to see both her great grandsons Gregory & Mitchell. Gran finally had a hold of Mitchell (link to pic of Gran and Mitchell) and thought he was just perfect. awww....

The midwife also came around to visit and checked and weighed Mitchell. He is now past his birth weight which is great news. He is sleeping and feeding well.

Gregory is coping quite well with the changes of the new baby.... except he likes being rough with any other 'baby' visitors (Makayla and Chelsea).... I think this is because he has been playing a little rough with Dad.... oops! I think Dad has decided not to play that too much anymores..... we'll see!! Anyhows, he'll learn soon enough (we hope!!)

Pammie will be home this weekend...... Can't wait to see her again :o) yayay. Not much else happening... be watching the v8's but not much else.
Anyhows, must scoot.... a few things to do before dinner.
Take care y'all.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Click on any of the pics to see them bigger :o)

Mitchell is home!!!!!

Ok everyone! I am home... been a little slack with the ol' bloggie!! So heres a blog about little Mitchell!
Mitchell Edward was born 8:13 on Thursday 5th April. He weighed 2990g and was 50cm long. We stayed at the hospital for a week but are so glad to be home!!!

He had lots of visitors at the hospital - Daddy and big brother Greggie, Aunty Val, Aunty Pam, Aunty Megan, Aunty Lynda, Uncle Jon, Uncle Michael, Uncle Grum, Uncle Andy, Gran, Grandpa, Nanna, Cousins Chelsea and Makayla, Great Gran A, Great Gran & Poppa, Beaux, Sarah & Paul T, Sharon and her 3 children Mattia, Daniel and Machaela....

He has settled in well to life at home and Greg is taking it all in his stride. Thursday night when we brought him home Gregory patted him on the head with a washer that I was using a burp cloth (we also use them in the bath to wash Gregory... he was pretending to wash Mitchell!!) but he was so gentle with Mitchell. Friday morning Gregory climbed up to sit next to me while I was feeding Mitchell and patted Mitchell ever so gently on the head and looked up at me to check that he was doing something that was ok. When I told Gregory that he was good boy, he promptly got down off the lounge, went looking for Daddy and swang his arms in proudness.
He soon came back over and I showed Gregory Mitchells hand and tired to get him to hold it but he wouldnt. Shortly after this, Mitchell streched and Gregory reached for him and held his hand. He looked so proud once again.
Last night we went to Graham and Lyndas for dinner and Mitchell was on my lap. Gregory just walked by and wasn't phased but Chelsea came up and wanted to know what was going on. She kept playing with his little feet! She also started to try and say Mitch.... but you can imagine what it really sounds like as she puts a "B" infront of everything...... At least she's trying!!!
This morning I was feeding Mitchell and Gregory climbed up onto my lap (yes with Mitchell) reached over Mitchell and cuddled me! Aww.... He also patted Mitchell on the head softly and snuggled into the both of us. It was so lovely!! I think Gregory is coping rather well!
This afternoon, Mitchell was on the floor after having his nappy changed and Gregory tried to pick him up to nurse him. I helped and Gregory had Mitchell sitting in his arms and lap with a huge big brother grin on his face!! He looked so proud again!!
Anyhow... check out the next blog for piccies... :o)

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Some of you may already know, I'm having a baby!! Well the time has come and its full steam ahead.... TOMORROW!! I know this comes as a shock to some of you as you know bub isn't due til later in the month but due to some minor issues (nothing too serious to worry about) bub's birthday has been brought forward.

I'm quite excited about it... still in shock that I will meet the little blighter tomorrow!! Paul will remain in touch with many people via sms & a few emails here and there........ and I plan to update myspace with photos galore later next week, just as soon as I'm home and up to typing away..... sorry to keep you all waiting that long!! (some things just can't be helped)

Those in Dub-vegas feel free to come visit me sometime over Easter (and remember it is Easter..... choccie choccie choccie ;P hehehe)

Take care and talk to you when theres another member of the family about!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Setting Up

Gday all,
What a long day it has turned out to be! Although my wonderful hubby let me sleep in (awww how sweet) we got so much done today and I feel so relieved.

Well it started while I was waiting for lunch really. I put on a movie and did some of the folding. When lunch was over Paulie had to go do some stuff for work (gets some o'time tho!) and Greggie was in bed so I decided to call my mum and touch base. In the middle of our phonecall she had another call come through so when I hung up I decided to go and have a nice shower and pamper myself a little *aww*. I had just finished getting dressed and brushing my hair and the phone rang.... It was mum... at the front door!! haha!! She rang the doorbell, my mobile and the house phone was the last resort. Anyhows. I let her in. She'd come over to give me a hand cleaning up and getting reading for setting some bubba stuff up! yayay!
So Greg was awake and had his lunch in the high chair while we cleaned up the kitchen (for those who don't know, we've all been a little sick this week with a horrible virus so the place was a little messy to say the least!! Paul even had a sick day! Which doesnt happen often.) It was a good start. We hang some clothes out on the line then set to getting into my scrapbooking room - now bubs room to clean it up and out and set up the bed n stuff.

We managed to move (well... I instructed more than moved.... I feel like a house and shouldn't be lifting with 3 weeks to go!) my scrapping stuff into Pauls room (well it's now OUR room... I'll have to call it the office or something haha) and after some sorting out set up the bed in there as well. By this time Paulie had arrived home and was helping too. We took turns keeping Mr Greggie occupied and soon had things looking sorta reasonable! Thanks mum!!!!!

Once mum left I had a rest - I know Greg went to bed but its unknown how much SLEEP he actually had!!

Mum had left her glasses here so I dropped around to take them to her and decided to pick up some pizza on the way home. Greg ate 2 slices!! ooooo!!

Paul and I got in and sorted the other boxes and stuff out enough so that we could actually MOVE in bubs room. We managed to throw a heap of rubbish out and put some other stuff in the shed for now.

We're feeling quite happy about it and I'm relieved that it is done. I also put Gregs quilt on his bed and made up the other bed too so yay its nearly done. All I need now are the drawers to put bubs clothes in (which are all washed and neatly folded ready to go away ..... awww they so tiny!) which I endeavour to get done by tomorrow arvo.

We're off to the Dr's on Tuesday for what we hope to be our last pre-natal visit before bub arrives but we'll have to see what Dr says.

Val, Jon, Pam and Beaux will all be home for Easter this weekend which I can't wait to see them all. I miss them all so much!!

There is so much happening in the family at the moment but it is getting rather late and I'm actually feeling tired .... hopefully I'll actually sleep!!

Take care you lot and keep watching for the latest news on bub2!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Stuff about ME!!!!!!!

Things are happening in my corner of the globe. I've been a busy little beaver - it seems as though any little thing I do is a BIG thing as it takes such an effort atm!
Here's a pic of Greg and Paul from last weekend... enjoying the sunshine in the grass out the front of our place.

We've only got less than 6 weeks until bub2 is due to arrive in the world...... We were lucky to have a 3rd ultrasound this week awwww... saw bubs face and lots of other features. It seems as though bub is 'average size' which is how Greg was or a little bigger so we're planning for another c-section. This time we can actually plan for it and not go through almost full labour then major surgery! We've got names all picked out but we'll keep them mostly to ourselves until bub is born and we can make sure he/she looks like the name we've picked.

I'm feeling quite exhausted today more-so than I have in ages. I've been having leg cramps and backache - typical in late pregnancy, argh the joys of motherhood!!

I went shopping on both Thursday and Friday with Gregory. We met up with my mum who had Chelsea and did a few jobs before having a lovely afternoon tea of doughnuts, milkshake and cuppa. It was good to spend time with mum. She went with a group of others on motorbikes to Phillip Island last weekend and unfortunately a couple came off their bike - pillion ended up with a broken leg and in Wagga hospital. On the way home we picked up the scans from the radiologist of Bub2

Friday we went and bought some clothes (Target sale... yay!) I managed to buy some new clothes for Gregory and new bub and even myself and I didn't spend much at all!! I felt really proud of my purchases.
Well... theres other stuff happening in the family - I think it was Tuesday week ago - I'm not really sure as time is all warped atm!

For those who know my little sister Pammie she moved to Wagga a few weeks ago with Beaux her b/f. (thats not the news....) The news is that the early morning of the day she was to start uni and Beaux his new job her flat caught on fire........ I'm not kidding!!
A car caught on fire out the front of their place and caused their flat to catch alight. We're glad that they are both ok... very lucky they heard the noises of the car and were able to get out of the place.The whole place was inundated by smoke and ash and covered all their belongings in and out of cupboards. It is lucky that they were insured!! Most things will be replaced (basically all their stuff!) New electricals - tv, computers, microwave, camera etc.... and now finally the fridge too....also the lounge (nearly all the furniture), and their clothes and linen. They were lucky that they didn't have their new bed yet! The short of it all is that she is happy that she was insured - lets hope it doesnt take too long to get all the actual replacements!

Today (and last night), Paul has gotten stuck into tidy/cleaning up his room/office. It's to become 'our' room and needs to be some space to put some of my scrapbooking and school stuff there somewhere as my room is becoming bub2 room! Ah well the sacrifices that are made.... joys of parenthood We ended up taking a boot load of old computer parts and monitors etc to the tip today which is amazing! (they have a free e-waste trial dumping thing happening for the next month.... great incentive!) Hopefully we'll be able to move some things from my room tomorrow and be able to start really setting up the nursery.

Speaking of which... I've started going through clothes for little bub.... aww they so tiny!! I've got more in a cupboard but I'm still not sure what I'll need. Some of the clothes I had for Gregory were never worn due to his pavlik harness. (fingers crossed we won't need a harness for bub2!)

I've also been enjoying watching the boxset seasons of LOST 1 & LOST 2 while we d/l season 3. We're a few episodes ahead of the tv and theres so much more to it all than meets the eye! I'm intrigued by it all... those who also enjoy Lost know what I'm talking about.
I've also been watching 24 too... the new season... we're up to episode 13 already! (yay to d/l-ing!!) it too keeps me wanting to know what happens next.

My darling hubby has been wonderful lately. On Mondays I even get some time 'to myself' so to speak. I've been heading to a Bible study group at my friend Naomi's. Theres so many different people from all different walks of life. I'm really enjoying the company and friendships I've started making. It's great to have some adult contact and stimulating conversations. It's also challenging me in a lot of areas of my life at home.

Anyhow... While Gregory is resting I'm gunna have a lay down too.... putting legs up and keeping them warm is apparently the go.... bummer huh? hehe. Anyhow... hope you have enjoyed hearing about MWA!! (coz usually its about Greg!! hehe)

This pic is of Chelsea and Gregory messing around last night when Grum Chelsea n Lynda came for dinner. They were playing so well together. Aww

(If you dont like muuuuushy stuff look away now )

Love you Paulie xoxox

Take care you lot Ikkus

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A whole month.... oopsy doopsy!

I can't believe that I haven't put a blog on my bloggie for over a month... sorry and OOPSY!!

Well the 14th February brings love, muuuushy stuff.... and lotsa choccie!! thanks Paul xox

Its been a busy couple of weeks to say the least and it doesnt seem to be looking like slowing down. Besides all the usual day-to-day stuff I've had to battle against a summer cold - so much worse than a winter one!! argh!* It just wears me down even more - all I want to do is sleep and I can't seem to get any at NIGHT when everyone else is... so grrrrrrrrr

On the bubba front we've now got less than 10 weeks til bubba2 joins the real world. We've so much to do before he/she joins us. I'm hoping to get a lot done this weekend but things always seem to be popping up and interrupting my plans for cleaning out the scrapbooking room.... We go for a sizing ultra-sound in the next few weeks and we'll decide which path we'll take.

I've decided to join a new playgroup (Friday mornings was just waaaaaaaaaaaay too early- Greg isn't out of bed when they meet!! lol) on Tuesdays. We (Greg and I) went for the first time y'day and both had a blast. There's children from 3 weeks all the way through to pre-school age. Its good for Greg to see them and be able to interact with so many other kids. He had his first play with playdough... smashing it on the table over and over!! lol There were also hula-hoops, balls, jigsaw puzzles. We had morning tea (everyone brings a piece of fruit and the kids all share it) with water - Greg is working so hard to learn how to use a cup!! After morning tea we joined in some singing with action songs. Gregory giggled nearly the whole way through the singing! It was good to see him play so well with other kids.. he also wasn't afraid to say hello to the other mums and let them walk him with one hand.

Not this weekend but next weekend is Chelsea's birthday - I can't believe she's nearly 1 year old already!! Gregory and I joined Grum, Lynda and Chelsea for dinner last night and Chelsea started using her trolley a little more than just 2 steps!! It was so exciting to watch her reaction when she realised what she had done. Gregory and her played so well together. Its so good to watch them play.
We're also heading off to Sydney on that Sunday - Gregory has his hip check-up on the Monday morning at Westmead Hospital. So fingers all crossed that it's all good news.

Pammie has moved to Wagga last weekend.... argh! thats still something I've gotta get my head around.... On my way home from going out places I still think about dropping by and seeing her... then realise.... :o(..... I can't!! She's not gunna be there! I've been around to the parents last week... Pams room is so empty... actually all of upstairs seems that way! I miss ya Pam... I wanna come visit soon!!

Today Gregory walked from the t.v. all the way over to me sitting on the lounge. He is getting so much better walking and so quickly! Scary stuff!! I do spose he is practicing ALL the time!! hehehe.. I can't wait to see him walk the length of the lounge room.
Tonight he followed Paul to his room, Paul had shut the door before he got there so he started knocking and saying "dadadad!". It was quite cute!! hehehe

Well, I know I haven't blogged about me for a while - I can't seem to think what else I've been up to.... My life is Paul and Gregory atm!!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Longtime no bloggie

Hey all,
Sorry I've been a slacker.... what can I say hehehe... well I have been keeping Greggies blog sorta up to date - I don't feel like repeating myself all the time!! haha
Its been quite a while since I updated.... like last YEAR even! So Happy Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.

I spent most of Christmas Day at my folks house with about 20 other people. We saw Pauls parents on the way (share presents with them, Andy, Megs, Mike and Makayla) It was so good to have all the family around. We got spoiled with so many pressies and a wonderful feast for lunch. (The photo is Greg and I when we got home from Christmas lunch.)

Boxing day we spent at the in-laws for left overs. There was so much food and it was all so yummy. (thats what the season is all about huh?)
Paul went back to work for the rest of the week - although we (Greg and I) did go and visit him a little while the office was quiet.

For New Years Eve we went out to dinner with Lynda Grum and Chelsea at Hogs Breath and had a yummy dinner before watching a movie at their house and retreating before midnight. Paul and I did count the New Year in and watched some of the fireworks....
New Years Day Paul & I flew the HUGE kite that his parents gave us.... it lifted us BOTH off the ground and we ended up with war-wounds all round..... still recovering!! Yes.... they got it back... we did think that a 4 & 1/2 mtr kite was a LITTLE big for us!! the 4mtr kite would lift a 90kg person off the ground!!! I think we are going to get a smaller one instead.

Over the last few weeks I've had some friends come and visit. My friends from school, Jaye and Kelly both dropped by over the holiday season. Kelly is newlywed and brought her hubby David with her. It was great to see them both. I can't wait to catch up with them both again soon. Jaye also brought her boyfriend Matt with her. She seems to be quite happy living and working in Canberra.
Sarah, a friend from Uni spent the day in Dubbo and we 'did lunch' and went shopping. It was great to catch up with her. I'm not sure what her plans are for the year although I know she'll be in Sydney for a while.
Also friend of mine, Emma and her boyfriend Lee came and visited this week too. Emma and I spent some time fixing up a computer of hers and Lee played with Greggie - I'm not sure who had more fun!!!
I've also been out to dinner with Paul, Greggie and Paul Tres to Chinese (yummy!!) We watched a couple of movies... Greggie didn't mind watching the Looney Tunes one with us!! Tres also dropped by earlier today to bring some photos that he printed out for us. (here's one that Paul Tres dropped off :o))

Bubba2 has been making mischief.... only have about 15 weeks until due date! (argh!) So I've got some work to do in 'my' room cleaning it up and making room for bubba! Paul will have to make some room in 'his' office for me to put a desk and my scrapbooking stuff. I've been a little run down lately too... low iron levels... not good .... doesn't help in trying to look after Gregory when I'm struggling to even look after myself. I'm now on a high-dose iron tablet which has helped tremendously and I feel about 80% better. I think the tiredness now is just the whole pregnancy thing... I know i was quite similar with Greg from this time onwards. It's hard to believe that there'll be another little baby joining us so soon!!

Paul and I have been catching up on our box-set watching as with some of our Christmas $$ & gift vouchers we bought the box-set of 24, and Seasons 1 & 2 of LOST. We're looking forward to season 3 of Lost coming out really soon!!!

Well theres not a lot more to say except we are planning a trip to Sydney. Not sure if it will go ahead atm as there's a lot of contributing factors - and we will be in Sydney in February anyhow for Greggies hip check-up.

Take care and talk to you guys soon.
