Tuesday, August 29, 2006

So its been a while. A lot has happened and Ive been busy and exhuasted!
Since Val and Jon were here (my last post) Gregory has learnt to (sorta!) crawl... he just goes backwards! He doesnt seem to have the strength in his legs to push forwards although his arms push and push!! Its quite ironic coz Chelsea has the leg strength and just seems to head-plant into the carpet - between them they would be crawling around everywhere - totally unstoppable!
We've been busy with visitors - Kathryn came and had dinner one night. We had a great time. We usually play cards or something after dinner but we had a Greggie to bath and stuff!!
Lyn, Mark and Sarah came up from Sydney for a weekend + a day or two. They came up to help Gran & Grandpa celebrate 62 years of marriage! Gran, Grandpa, Lyn, Mark, Sarah, Graham, Lynda and Chelsea were all here for afternoon tea on Saturday. G&G cut a cake - it was a nice relaxing time. Its a shame that Grandpa probably won't remember it tho. Everytime I see him I try to remember how he was and it frustrates me how such a proud man could be so .... different.
Gregory is now eating from a spoon - halellujah! Its only taken months of convincing him that its good and yummy! The spoon goes in his mouth, the food goes in, then he spits it 1/2 out with his tongue before pushing it back in with his fingers. It may be messy, and take a while BUT it works!!!
We look like we're heading to Sydney at the end of the month for a seminar about Gregorys Muscular Dystrophy. It should be informative. It will be held at Westmead Childrens Hospital and is for parents and careers of children with muscular diseases.
Currently Gregory is in bed and Chelsea thinks she owns the house - calling out and blowing rasberries! Both the little darlings are teething - yay the nappies.... (those with bubs who've teethed will know what I mean!) NOT!
This weekend is Fathers day - won't tell you whats planned incase Paulie reads this (hi darling hubby!), but we are going to Cooks for dinner as its also Megans birthday. Should be a good night.
Must scoot - still lots to do before Lynda gets back shortly.
Bye y'all!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Time goes by slowly... wheres it all gone?

Last week was a blurr.... Gregory is now over his cold :D yayayayay, although we missed mums/play-group last week. Hes grown up so much in the last few weeks. He looks like a real little boy - losing the 'little baby' look now.
Paul didn't go away last week which was GREAT. We've both been very tired lately, I think its the changing weather and for me the lack of sleep (finding it hard to get to sleep at night even when Gregory is asleep!)
On the weekend Val & Jon came to visit. It was great to see them. We had everyone (including Grum, Lynda, Chelsea, Dad, Pam, Beaux, and Paul T too) over for dinner. It was fantastic. We also played some BUZZ on the ps2.
Heres some pics of Gregory with his Aunty Val and Uncle Jon. He was so happy to see them both as they were. He grows up so much between visits. I miss you guys both heaps!!
Monday this week I worked, and Gregory stayed with a friend - K from playgroup. I think he had a pretty good time :o) Apparently he was quite good for her and enjoyed playing with H.
Tuesday this week we went to Mums/play-group late as Greggie & I were both sleeping (really needed it after like 2 hours sleep)
I know that sometime this week that I caught up with Naomi (finally!) after she went on her outback trek with her mum and some other 'ladies'. Can't wait to finally see some pics - she apparently has quite a few..... (over 500 or something?!!).
I also got a visit from a friend from Uni on Wednesday morning - Hi SARAH!! Thanks for visiting :o) It was great to see you! I also got to look after Chelsea for a while :o) Shes gorgeous - and has just found her voice and loves laying down the law.
Today I went for a walk with Lynda and Chelsea with Gregory. It was such a nice warm day - pity about the wind! Speaking of walking - Gregory can now stand up by holding onto my hands with his hands.... he can also hold himself up on the lounge! Its quite exciting! He knows hes clever too because he gets a cheeky grin :o)
Must scoot to bed while I can. Plan to go to the park for a walk tomorrow (hopefully its not raining in the morning - it can pour all arvo!).
Nite nite

Monday, August 07, 2006

More MEAT PIES for Paulie ;o)

*yawn* What a weekend! We didn't really get up to much but i'm exhausted anyhow. Looking after a baby with a cold really does take it out of you! Poor darling has had a runny nose - a cold :o( since early friday morning. He has been pretty good, in good spirits most of the time though.
We had a picnic lunch at the park with my brother, Grum, his wife Lynda and their daughter Chelsea. It was such a lovely sunny day. We also went for a walk and saw the ducks. (I'll add photos when I feel like it ;o) or check http://deargreggie.blogspot.com )
Saturday night we went to the in-laws for a yummy dinner. Gregory was such a good boy!! It was a good day.
Sunday was a rest-day. We didn't get up to too much except I managed to sit on Paulies meat pie... long story cut short - he put his plate on the lounge and I sat down.... oops.... it all had a good outcome in the end.
Today we didn't do much either. I think I'm coming down with a cold (maybe Greggies cold - wouldn't surprise me) so I'm pretty tired. We managed to go clothes shopping for a little while but I gave up - I can't find what I'm looking for without paying a fortune for it. I did spend my birthday money tho - I bought a blender which I have happily used already *yay* I made a berry milkshake this arvo.
Tonight we went to Megan and Michaels for dinner (Paul was fixing Micks pc). So its now 2 Mondays for dinner at Setons yummy restaurant ;o) hehehe.
Hopefully Gregory is a lot better tomorrow so we can go to Playgroup - if not I'll be home for Paulies lunch.... I do hope he doesnt have to go to Brewarrina for a few nights!! *boohoo*
Night all!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Oops I need to update heaps again!

Well its been a while - sorry but :oP~

We've been to Newcastle & Sydney to see relos and Gregory got his hips checked. No more brace :o) *yayayay* We don't need to go back for a check until February 2007. We had a wonderful trip as we stayed with Karina in Newwie, then saw Aunty Marg, Uncle Phil, Debbie, Pappa, and Taylah in Sydney before staying with my twin sis Val and her hubby Jonatho/an. ;) (the / is NOT a typo...)
On the weekend after we got backwe had a birthday dinner for Lynda and myself (and cake for Val who was there in spirit). Yummy baked dinner at my mums - always yummo!! nothing says happy birthday more than baked dinner, apple pie, icecream, and choccie bday cake at mums :D

Monday was my bday & Paul brought Gregory into see me in the morning with my pressies. Greggie helped me open my pressies and he played with my wrapping paper.
My mum took me birthday shopping and then took Gregory and I out for morning tea. We then picked Paulie up for lunch then went to see my Dad at his work :o)
After lunch Gregory and I came home and had nap time (gees I am getting old!!!! argh!) before Paul came home and took us 'out' for dinner (I didnt have to cook yay). We ended up at Pauls sisters place where she cooked home made lasagne aka "mush" hehehe and home made choccie moooooooose for desert. Having a sister-in-law for a chef is so wonderful! It was a delicious meal. I also got to give my niece a hug *huggles for Makayla*.

We had playgroup today and Im working tomorrow for a 1/2 day. Gregory gets to spend some time with his GREAT Grandparents - my dads parents are looking after him while Im at work. Greggie has been such a mummys boy the last 2-3 days that I hope that he is ok for them!!

Well I must go feed the boy - hes been fairly well behaved sitting playing with his cookie monster shape-o toy thing but starting to get ready for bed. He just had a bath (and gave me a shower at the same time - but at least he was happy this time!) and smells fresh.
Nite you lot.!
(piccies will come soooooon)