Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Twas the week before Christmas....

Well, things have been busy to say the least. All the visiting family had gone by Sunday lunchtime and things started settling down a little.... not for long as many return later this week!
The pressies are now all wrapped up under the tree.... and have been for a little while *phew*! It still doesnt feel a lot like Christmas.... maybe if I finish decorating the tree *giggle*

Monday night was my work Chrissy party. As I haven't worked in a few weeks it was GREAT to catch up with everyone. I had a great night - company and food were both fantastic. It was relaxing for me too as Paul stayed home with Greggie and I got a night off on my own. I'm going to miss them all next year as I probably won't get the opportunity to work before I need time-off for Bub2.

Yesterday was the playgroup party at Kidzoo. Greg loved playing with bubbles and with Chelsea on the rocker. They also played on a mini-roller-coaster and in the ball pit. All was going good till little Greggie fell over trying to reach the table bumped his head. I think it scared me a bit more than I realised at the time! A couple of the other mums came and looked after him and calmed him for me which was a relief. He has an egg on his little noggin' to show for it but it is healing rather quickly! Poor Greggie!

Tonight we went to the West Dubbo Bowling Club for a party with a friend of mine - Naomi. We had a yummy dinner and chatted for a while. While we were there we took some piccies... as you can see they turned out rather nicely! We had planned to have a game of bowls but it was getting a little late for Greggie so we dropped by Pauls parents on the way home. When we got home, Greggie went straight to bed without a real fuss.... He did miss his arvo nap so it was good for all involved!! hehee

Thursday, December 14, 2006

A fitting tribute to a man greatly missed

Today was my Grandpa's funeral. Family came from Perth, Adelaide and Sydney, and anywhere in between. It has been an amazing couple of days.
The service was just suited to a wonderful man who lived his life with such integrity. It started with words from the celebrant, followed by a life story. It's amazing to hear how many community projects Grandpa was involved in. He really was a giving man and so many people were there to give thanks for his life.
His children (mum and her brother and sisters) all gave some stories about him to the rest of the service. The thing that really brought tears to my eyes was remembering Grandpa and his piklets - I think it was more from the laughter at the memories than that he was gone....... I also found myself brought to tears by the many RSL people who came forward and placed poppies on his coffin. It really showed how many people he touched as they all stood around his coffin as guard of honour while the Reveille and the Last Post were played.
Gran is holding up quite well. She is a strong woman who deserves all the love and comfort that she is getting at the moment. I pray that people continue to gather around her over the next few years as she adjusts to life on her own after 63 years of married life.

I love you and will miss you Grandpa Jim. May you rest in peace always.........

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

What a month

(WARNING *Go and grab a coffee now.... you're in for a long bloggie*)

Yes, its been a month since my last blog (I feel like Im at a confessional and Im not Catholic!! argh!) and so much has happened. I seem to be on an emotional rollercoaster...... It is for this reason mainly that I have found it hard to write as I have opened my blog more times than I can recall only to find that I didn't have the words to write or didn't know where to start.

Today, especially, has made me realise how precious life and time is and to treasure the moments you have with your loved ones while they are around. I've been encouraged to try to make more time for my friends and to do some of the things in life that I've been putting off.
Today, someone I know, who is my age, lost his life tragically in an accident, leaving behind a young family. My heart goes out to Ben's family. It just seems so hard to comprehend.

This makes all the emotions of the past month become so much more real. My grandfather has been unwell with Lukemia for longer than 2 years and been having transfusions when required. Last month the transfusions failed to help him as they needed to and it was decided that they would discontinue his treatment. We knew it had to come soon - we were told 3 years ago that he wouldn't make Christmas... we were living with him on 'borrowed time' as some say.
The family has been spending lots of the last month with my Grandma helping her in any way she needs it including taking Gran to visit Grandpa in the hospital/nursing home where he is, and organising the things that need to be done. We've been told that he hasn't long left at all - over a week ago he apparently had only 2 or 3 days left.
Grandpa is a well respected member of the community who has had a lot to do with the RSL and Lions Clubs. He even helped me go on Lions Youth Exchange in 2002/2003. He and Gran have been married now for 63 years! I was coming home from picking Greggie up from the shop because Mum looked after him while I had my ultrasound today, on the way home on the radio they were talking about Lions Christmas Cakes.... we've had one every year - even when we were in Perth Grandpa and Gran managed to get one for us! I had a tear in my eye each time they mentioned Lions Christmas Cake.
Pam has listed a blog with a song that reminded her about the love that Gran and Grandpa share and Val has posted a blog about some her memories -with both blogs I didn't even get past the first 2 paragraphs without crying. I've been so blessed to have grown up with 4 Grandparents and 1 Great Grandma, and I've only lost my Great Grandmother. I see it as a blessing to not have lost someone close but it's hard to know how to react to losing someone you love when you haven't had much experience in this. One thing that keeps coming back to me is the Lion King...... The circle of life song plays around and around in my head like a broken record at the moment :o

I also went for my 18-20 week ultrasound today.... my goodness time has flown - we're 1/2way already! argh! We got to see a little bub kicking around! All the toes and fingers, the heart beating away, such an experience! Once I scan I'll post :o)

The weekend was busy as we went to Pauls work Christmas party on Friday night. My mum looked after Greggles for us and we enjoyed our night out. - Hogs Breath for dinner followed by drinks at Megs work :o) Saturday night was my mums big birthday bash *haha* and Pauls mum minded Greggie while we had another night of 'freedom' from bub! I had to try to get back to some sort of routine after not having Greggie for a night or 2!

Greg has also been sick last week - he had an ear infection as well as a tummy bug.... eiw yuck!! It was determined that the cause was/is the 4 teeth that he is currently cutting... OUCHIES!!
The little fellow has also been walking with the block trolley all on his own, learnt to ride his bike on his own (it has 4 wheels but he can finally touch the ground and go FORWARDS!), and he actually climbed onto the lounge by himself!! Oh no... where to put the remote for the tv now! I can't believe just how quickly they grow up.

With Christmas only around the corner we started to put our decorations tonight.... we didn't get very far......... although Gregory loved the reindeer antlers and it kept him amused or a few minutes until he saw the tree (or only 1/2 as I was in the middle of putting it together) .... and proceeded to pull it over onto himself... all is ok... no broken bones or branches!! I'm looking forward to putting all the wrapped up pressies underneath.... but a bit worried about the G *for Gregory* factor!!

Well I should head to bed. Hopefully I'll be able to get some sleep tonight - bubs been resting on arteries in my lower back and cutting/slowing blood circulation... so even in all this heat my legs are cold!!

Night night you lot. Stay safe and be Blessed. xoxxox

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I'm in twouble!

Well... apparently I haven't been updating my bloggie enough for some people..... well hrmph! I still update my blog more than some..... (Vaaaaaaaaaaaaaal)

I have been a little slacker... sorry but you all know why so ner :P
Heres some piccies from Greg n Pauls birthday party. The first is Aunty Val and Greggie, both having some fun.

The next is Greggies cousin Makayla (Megan & Michaels daughter) with Paulie. She grows up so much everytime I see her. When we saw her on the weekend she was in her jolly jumper, spinning around. Greggie ended up in he jolly jumper and the two of them loved making eyes at each other!! Megs went to turn Makayla around and she cried until she could see Greggie again, lol!.

The lovely last pic from the party is my lovely 2 sisters.... well if they are silly enough to pull faces and take a photo on my camera I think it's fair that I share it with the world!! hehehee. Oh they are both gorgeous don't you think? Especially Miss Pammie!!

Today is Melbourne Cup Day (a big deal for Aussies :oP). A friend of mine is coming over shortly and we're gunna go drivies and see if I can't place a once-off small bet - still have no idea which horse should/could/maybe might etc will win... any ideas?
We'll end up somewhere exciting to watch the race... not sure about that much either lol!!!

Not much else is happening around here lately. My grandparents are back from Sydney (Poppa had heart surgery) so I plan to visit them sometime soon. I'm working tomorrow... I have a year 2 class. Should be a good day. (Might even have assembly to go to!)
Anyhow... should go and get my boy ready to go out - he has vegemite all over his face.... hrm..
Have a wonderful day all and enjoy your week!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Slacker but you'll soon know why

Hey all,
Its been a little while *ok a LONG while....* since my last post, but with GREAT excuse (or REASON) should I say.
I've been a little busy to say the least.
My (our) little boy Greggie has turned 1 year old 6 days ago!!! Its so hard believe.... although I watch him now and see just how inquisitive he is.... getting into everything! He's currently at a clothesbasket of clean clothes.... not sure how long they'll last in there tho!! Hes now into the drink cupboard.... can't turn your head for a second and he's somewhere else!!
We had a birthday party for him - complete with a number one shaped birthday cake. He had lots of family and some friends around. It was a really good night. We also had a party at playgroup for 3 of the kids who had birthdays that week.
The other major reason that I've been so busy (aka slack) is that I've been quite sick with... morning sickness!! Yes!! I'm pregnant - Pauls going to be a Daddy again, and Gregory will be a big brother!! And yes... I'll be a mum x2!! Its quite exciting. I've had my 12 week ultrasound and found out my due date... just happens to be th 24th April... yes.... It seems as though if you are in this little family it's a pre-requisite that you SHARE your birthday - Greg and Paul share theirs... and I've never had my own .... as I was born on my twin sisters bday (giggle). So sorry Taylah!! We'll see about it as it is only an estimated due date! (Gregory was born on his due date tho). Mornings have been quite a write-off and I'm trying to spend as much time with Gregory as I can! He gets lots of Dad time on weekends tho as Paul tends to treat me as a Princess and let me sleep in a little!! I'm usually ok by about 2:00 in the arvo but its not always true.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

A busy weekend

Just a quick update before heading to bed.
Well, lots has happened since my last post! We went on a family trip + extras to Bathurst (well nearly!) for the weekend. The Bathurst 1000 was on - we went with Grum n Lynda n Chelsea and some friends from Sydney and stayed at a couple of cottages together about 30klms from Bathurst (closer to Oberon really!) and had a pretty good time.
Lynda and I took Chelsea and Gregory into the races on Friday. Gregory had his photo with Craig Lowndes :o) *guess who won the w/e!!* (I shall post these pics soon :P) were back at the cottage soon after lunch in time to watch the top 10 shoot out from there.

We had an eventful trip to say the least - with gearbox troubles, changing trailers to different cars - oops.... the plugs dont work!!!!!!!! ARGH! and so much more.
Paul has finally arrived home (explain later) and we've found the sad news that one of the drivers - Mark Porter -who was involved in a crash on Friday on the 12th lap of the 14 lap development race. The other guy who was involved in the crash - David Clark - seems to be recovering. *sigh* what to say to that :o( a sad ending.

We also got a phonecall tonight to say one of Pauls relatives are in hospital with fluid on the lungs. *please pray for him*

Anyhow I must head to bed and get some sort of sleep before my lovely munchkin wakes up!
Ive got a REALLY busy day tomorrow! :o)

A busy weekend

Gregory with Craig Lowndes on Friday.

(theres a few more pics on his bloggie:

Lowndes wasn't too sure about the MUPRH- HOLDEN shirt tho!! hehehe

Monday, October 02, 2006

Kite weather

Heres my Gregory showing off last night! *huggles*
Today has been a pretty good day. Paul and I finally got to and got the house cleaned and tidied :o) It does help that Gregory has been so much more tired than usual - Methinks its due to his walking furniture and crawling EVERYWHERE!!
Gregory and I also got to go shopping for a while before joining Paulie at the park to fly his dads 2mtr kite. It was so much fun - Gregory was still a little nervous about the whole kite and strings things so I let him touch it and see it up close and play with the strings a little before we let it go a little way. He took to watching it then.... not just crying at it! He started getting tired so I brought him home while Paulie had a bit more of a fly and you wouldn't believe when I stopped on the way home to show Gregory the kite over the trees and houses, he pointed and waved at it with a smile :o)
Tonight My parents came over for dinner. It was great to see them - they had dinner a little later than us tho - we gotta eat while we can around here!! They arrived just as Gregory finished his bath. I think he really enjoyed having some time with Grandma and Grandad.
I've helped Paulie by stitching some more of his badges onto his overalls - happens before he marshalls each time! Always has some more to go on :o) I don't mind tho - wish I was putting them on MY overalls to marshall too... .maybe next year? Fingers crossed! Would be good, I do miss the opportunity and the excitiment.
Anyhow - lots planned for tomorrow,... we're going to the Park for Playgroup and I think Chelsea and Lynda might join us and Paul will meet us there for lunch. Should be a lovely day for the park! Tomorrow night looks busy packing for Bathurst! Argh! its this weekend! Im getting excited!
Talk to you all later - have a fantabulous week :o)

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Busy week

Well its been a busy week in the COOK house. We spent the week recovering from our trip to Sydney, planning for Bathurst and so much else.
I spent part of Tuesday in hospital as I was so sick - argh! (more on this later)
Wenesday evening Paulie went to a meeting for work, and Grum n Lynda n Chelsea came over for dinner and use the computer. It was great fun - Chels and Greggles had a bath - Chelsea got splash-splash-splashed as did Lynda and I !! argh!
Thursday night Paul was in Coona for work - I went to see my mum and dad and Greggie and I stayed there for dinner. YUMMY!!
Friday night Paul got home and we went out with Grum n Lynda n Chelsea to Chinese for dinner. It was yummy - Gregory was quite good for quite some time but by the time dinner was served he was starting to get a little stroppy! oh you goose :o) After dinner we went for a drive (Chelsea's car seat has been turned around this week - I'm not sure she quite understands whats happening just yet!! Grum n Lynda pulled up at home and both turned around to look at her and she had a look on her face to say "what so you think YOU'RE doing?" lol!!)
Today Paulie went and flew a kite while I caught up on some sleep - thanks for keeping me up again last night Greggie! :P~ We went and had lunch together before coming home to watch the Swan vs Eagles final..... still in progress *no comment* at this stage!!!
Not sure what else is planned but Paulie still has 2 days at home after today and then this week at work is short anyhow as Paul has Friday off coz the 1000 is on BATHURST!! Here we come :o)
Anyhow - must scoot and watch the result.... updates later

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Home again home again & lessons learnt

Well we had a great trip to sydney! Gregory was a good boy and stuff - I'll tell more about it later :o) (prolly tomorrow.... and on Greggies bloggie :P)
but for now I just have to vent a little.
I've gotten home to realise that I need to adjust my perspectives of some people. Its hard when you think you know someone and trust them and its only when you've been hurt a second or third time you realise that its YOUR OWN character that really is at fault for trusting them in the first place. :o/. I'm feeling quite hurt and upset by what happened and I wish now I hadn't said anything in the first bloody place..... and yes... I said BLOODY!
*phew* now I feel better
night all!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

INTERNATIONAL Speak like a pirate day

My pirate name is:

Mad Dog Rackham

Part crazy, part mangy, all rabid, you're the pirate all the others fear might just snap soon. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from
part of the network

Monday, September 18, 2006

Still cough-cough-coughing

Hey all
Its busy but its not!! I wish there were more hours to sleep in ones day! I don't want to sleep more during the day but I could surely use more sleep at night-time!
Today Chelsea came over while Lynda worked... Gregory and her love to see each other. After Lynda left this morning Gregory was still in bed for a while. When I got Gregory from his room and they saw each other they both giggled, grinned and reached out for each other!! lol it was funny. By the time I got the camera Chelsea just wanted to look at the camera! lol. I'll add a pic of them here of them reaching for each others hands - they were doing this until I got the camera!!! grr!! (the photo thingy isnt working atm so I'll add it soon) I'm sure that Chels will have a tooth REALLY soon!!! (not saying anything more about my wonderful niece!)
Anyhow - must get that sleep that I want/need while I can
Gregory is in bed atm & got a few bottles to get ready for the morning - hoping to go to Playgroup, just depends on how we both feel come 11:00!!
I'll add pics tomorrow

Sunday, September 17, 2006

*cough cough sniffle sniffle*

Gday all you who like to catch up on some Lyndal bloggies.... sorry Ive been a little slack but I do believe I have a valid reason for my 'slack-ness'. I'm a MUM!! Well theres that and my excuse to go with it is that I've been sick. Not so much sick but have a really bad cold. I got my Gregory seen to last week and thought that Id be able to kick it before it got too bad... alas I was WRONG, BIGTIME! Ive been coughing and sneezing and snuffling and exhausted!! I couldnt believe just how much energy it has zapped from me lately.

Theres not really a lot other happening around here. - Oh how dare I!! Gregory has started to crawl this week!! He doesnt get very far (yet...) but i wouldnt be surprised if hes speeding around the floor in no time! He has already started to walk around the furniture (standing up) and will go the length of the lounge, around my legs then back again, sometimes with a little tumble but most of the time he just loves to stand. If he's standing and I've gotta leave the room for a sec I usually sit him on his bottom so I know he wont fall but this usually results in a big tearful episode which can only be rectified by putting him back on his feet again!
Oh being a mum is such a wonderful job.

I've also been working this week (a day and 1/2) and also went to the Primary School Musical of the school I teach at. It was good - my sister-in-law thought so too.... (apparently especially when I wasnt 'humming or singing along'... hrmph!!) ah well.. Was a good night out. Gregory was with his Grandma and *great Aunty Rel for the evening. My dad is down in Phillip Island for the Superbikes and Paul was at Coona for work. Everyone is going places!! lol
We're off to Sydney soon for a Conference thingy-thing. Its for careers and parents of children with neuromuscular disorders - as my son has muscular dystrophy.

We're also heading to Bathurst soon for the 1000. Looks to be a good weekend especially with the Brocky tributes. Paul and Grum are marshalling, some other guys will go to the mountain too and then the gals and bubs are having a relaxing w/e (yeh right! :oP) Really looking foward to it. Lynda and I thought we'd go have a good look around and take the bubs in on Friday when it's not so busy and packed like Saturday adn Sunday will be! We really only wanna have a look around for a while - it will be a bit awkward on the bubs to be there too long. CAN'T WAIT!!

Well .... Gregory will be 11 months old this week!! ARGH! Hes gowing up! best go check on him and do some housework if hes still asleep!

Monday, September 11, 2006

My 8 names.... hrm

1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet and first street name)

Rex Wheeler

2. YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: (grandfather/grandmother on your mums side, your favorite candy)

Gwen MnM

3. YOUR "FLY GIRL/GUY" NAME: (first initial of first name, first two
of your middle name)


4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal)

Yellow Duck

5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born)

Emma Dubbo <-- oo yeh! NOT!

6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name, first 2 letters of mom's maiden name and first 3 letters of the town you grew up in.


7. Terrorist Name: (middle name spelled backwards, your mom's maiden name spelled backwards)

Amme Snikia

8.SUPERHERO NAME: ("The", your favorite color, favorite drink)

The Yellow Vanilla Coke Spider.

Friday, September 08, 2006

In total shock

Australian motor sport legend Peter Brock has been killed in a rally crash in Western Australia, Sky News is reporting.
It's understood the crash occurred while Brock was taking part in the Targa West rally in Western Australia.

Sunday, September 03, 2006


Hey everyone - Happy Fathers day to all those who are fathers out there :o) I hope that Paul, Grum & Michael enjoy there first fathers day!!

Its also Megan's (my sister-in-law/Pauls sister) birthday! Happy happy birthday to you. Looking forward to seeing you tonight and having dinner with your parents. I've baked you a choccie CADBURY cake - and PURPLE icing :D yayayay :o) I hope you like it!

Its been quite a good day - we've had some rain and it has been overcast and quite warm all day.

anyhow -- must go organise to go out! try and update a bit later on :o)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

So its been a while. A lot has happened and Ive been busy and exhuasted!
Since Val and Jon were here (my last post) Gregory has learnt to (sorta!) crawl... he just goes backwards! He doesnt seem to have the strength in his legs to push forwards although his arms push and push!! Its quite ironic coz Chelsea has the leg strength and just seems to head-plant into the carpet - between them they would be crawling around everywhere - totally unstoppable!
We've been busy with visitors - Kathryn came and had dinner one night. We had a great time. We usually play cards or something after dinner but we had a Greggie to bath and stuff!!
Lyn, Mark and Sarah came up from Sydney for a weekend + a day or two. They came up to help Gran & Grandpa celebrate 62 years of marriage! Gran, Grandpa, Lyn, Mark, Sarah, Graham, Lynda and Chelsea were all here for afternoon tea on Saturday. G&G cut a cake - it was a nice relaxing time. Its a shame that Grandpa probably won't remember it tho. Everytime I see him I try to remember how he was and it frustrates me how such a proud man could be so .... different.
Gregory is now eating from a spoon - halellujah! Its only taken months of convincing him that its good and yummy! The spoon goes in his mouth, the food goes in, then he spits it 1/2 out with his tongue before pushing it back in with his fingers. It may be messy, and take a while BUT it works!!!
We look like we're heading to Sydney at the end of the month for a seminar about Gregorys Muscular Dystrophy. It should be informative. It will be held at Westmead Childrens Hospital and is for parents and careers of children with muscular diseases.
Currently Gregory is in bed and Chelsea thinks she owns the house - calling out and blowing rasberries! Both the little darlings are teething - yay the nappies.... (those with bubs who've teethed will know what I mean!) NOT!
This weekend is Fathers day - won't tell you whats planned incase Paulie reads this (hi darling hubby!), but we are going to Cooks for dinner as its also Megans birthday. Should be a good night.
Must scoot - still lots to do before Lynda gets back shortly.
Bye y'all!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Time goes by slowly... wheres it all gone?

Last week was a blurr.... Gregory is now over his cold :D yayayayay, although we missed mums/play-group last week. Hes grown up so much in the last few weeks. He looks like a real little boy - losing the 'little baby' look now.
Paul didn't go away last week which was GREAT. We've both been very tired lately, I think its the changing weather and for me the lack of sleep (finding it hard to get to sleep at night even when Gregory is asleep!)
On the weekend Val & Jon came to visit. It was great to see them. We had everyone (including Grum, Lynda, Chelsea, Dad, Pam, Beaux, and Paul T too) over for dinner. It was fantastic. We also played some BUZZ on the ps2.
Heres some pics of Gregory with his Aunty Val and Uncle Jon. He was so happy to see them both as they were. He grows up so much between visits. I miss you guys both heaps!!
Monday this week I worked, and Gregory stayed with a friend - K from playgroup. I think he had a pretty good time :o) Apparently he was quite good for her and enjoyed playing with H.
Tuesday this week we went to Mums/play-group late as Greggie & I were both sleeping (really needed it after like 2 hours sleep)
I know that sometime this week that I caught up with Naomi (finally!) after she went on her outback trek with her mum and some other 'ladies'. Can't wait to finally see some pics - she apparently has quite a few..... (over 500 or something?!!).
I also got a visit from a friend from Uni on Wednesday morning - Hi SARAH!! Thanks for visiting :o) It was great to see you! I also got to look after Chelsea for a while :o) Shes gorgeous - and has just found her voice and loves laying down the law.
Today I went for a walk with Lynda and Chelsea with Gregory. It was such a nice warm day - pity about the wind! Speaking of walking - Gregory can now stand up by holding onto my hands with his hands.... he can also hold himself up on the lounge! Its quite exciting! He knows hes clever too because he gets a cheeky grin :o)
Must scoot to bed while I can. Plan to go to the park for a walk tomorrow (hopefully its not raining in the morning - it can pour all arvo!).
Nite nite

Monday, August 07, 2006

More MEAT PIES for Paulie ;o)

*yawn* What a weekend! We didn't really get up to much but i'm exhausted anyhow. Looking after a baby with a cold really does take it out of you! Poor darling has had a runny nose - a cold :o( since early friday morning. He has been pretty good, in good spirits most of the time though.
We had a picnic lunch at the park with my brother, Grum, his wife Lynda and their daughter Chelsea. It was such a lovely sunny day. We also went for a walk and saw the ducks. (I'll add photos when I feel like it ;o) or check )
Saturday night we went to the in-laws for a yummy dinner. Gregory was such a good boy!! It was a good day.
Sunday was a rest-day. We didn't get up to too much except I managed to sit on Paulies meat pie... long story cut short - he put his plate on the lounge and I sat down.... oops.... it all had a good outcome in the end.
Today we didn't do much either. I think I'm coming down with a cold (maybe Greggies cold - wouldn't surprise me) so I'm pretty tired. We managed to go clothes shopping for a little while but I gave up - I can't find what I'm looking for without paying a fortune for it. I did spend my birthday money tho - I bought a blender which I have happily used already *yay* I made a berry milkshake this arvo.
Tonight we went to Megan and Michaels for dinner (Paul was fixing Micks pc). So its now 2 Mondays for dinner at Setons yummy restaurant ;o) hehehe.
Hopefully Gregory is a lot better tomorrow so we can go to Playgroup - if not I'll be home for Paulies lunch.... I do hope he doesnt have to go to Brewarrina for a few nights!! *boohoo*
Night all!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Oops I need to update heaps again!

Well its been a while - sorry but :oP~

We've been to Newcastle & Sydney to see relos and Gregory got his hips checked. No more brace :o) *yayayay* We don't need to go back for a check until February 2007. We had a wonderful trip as we stayed with Karina in Newwie, then saw Aunty Marg, Uncle Phil, Debbie, Pappa, and Taylah in Sydney before staying with my twin sis Val and her hubby Jonatho/an. ;) (the / is NOT a typo...)
On the weekend after we got backwe had a birthday dinner for Lynda and myself (and cake for Val who was there in spirit). Yummy baked dinner at my mums - always yummo!! nothing says happy birthday more than baked dinner, apple pie, icecream, and choccie bday cake at mums :D

Monday was my bday & Paul brought Gregory into see me in the morning with my pressies. Greggie helped me open my pressies and he played with my wrapping paper.
My mum took me birthday shopping and then took Gregory and I out for morning tea. We then picked Paulie up for lunch then went to see my Dad at his work :o)
After lunch Gregory and I came home and had nap time (gees I am getting old!!!! argh!) before Paul came home and took us 'out' for dinner (I didnt have to cook yay). We ended up at Pauls sisters place where she cooked home made lasagne aka "mush" hehehe and home made choccie moooooooose for desert. Having a sister-in-law for a chef is so wonderful! It was a delicious meal. I also got to give my niece a hug *huggles for Makayla*.

We had playgroup today and Im working tomorrow for a 1/2 day. Gregory gets to spend some time with his GREAT Grandparents - my dads parents are looking after him while Im at work. Greggie has been such a mummys boy the last 2-3 days that I hope that he is ok for them!!

Well I must go feed the boy - hes been fairly well behaved sitting playing with his cookie monster shape-o toy thing but starting to get ready for bed. He just had a bath (and gave me a shower at the same time - but at least he was happy this time!) and smells fresh.
Nite you lot.!
(piccies will come soooooon)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Leave your name and

1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll challenge you to try something.
3. I'll pick a color that I associate with you.
4. I'll tell you something I like about you.
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest/funniest memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you.
8. If I do this for you, you must post this on yours.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Lots happening

Well, nearly a week on and lots have happened. Gregory is now a bottle baby *phew* :o) and will now take the bottle from not just me *phewX2*. He is growing up so quickly! He sits at the table and has 'lunch' with us, and also for tea. He still is refusing to be spoon fed although we'll attempt again when we get back from Sydney next week.
He had his first try of chicken tonight and loved puling it apart and making a mess everywhere - a job he is a pro at already!
We have plans set for the weekend til Tuesday as Gregory has his hip check-up on Monday morning next week and hopefully get his blood test results too...... Fingers crossed for both. We're hoping that his hips are going well and he'll be able to be brace free for at least day times.... It will be weird having his legs 'free'!
Gregory also got to wear his new p-js for the first time tonite... Thomas the Tank Engine as you can see from the photo above :o)
I've finally been able to do some more scrapbooking (its a relief when some1 else can take the boy for a few mins!!) I did a page of Val and Jons wedding from 2000. I wish I had more time to do some more before we go away but thats ok :o)
Tomorrow we go back to mums/playgroup - it hasnt been on the last 2 weeks due to school holidays and the hall is used by vacation-care. We'll only go tomorrow then miss the following week coz we'll be away! After lunch I'm heading to my Grandmothers to help her look after Chelsea as Lynda is working. I usually have her at my place but I didn't really want to miss mums group.
Here is Greggy eating his upside-down shape toy!!
Anyhow... must go see if the boy is ok.... ah well....
nite you lot!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

What a week....its only Tuesday!

Well... been a while since my last post. Lots has happened. Gregory now has all 4 front teeth through - although he seems to be having a little trouble with them this morning :o/ poor bub!
Y'day was horrible.... I was sick - its not real easy to be a mum and be sick! I already had a flu and I thought I was coping ok with that,,... but i just wasn't well, wasnt able to keep anything down. I haven't been sick now for about 12 hrs... feeling better-ish - exhausted and dehydrated! It's lucky we started weaning Gregory on the w/e otherwise hed be hungry!!

Gregory has been going to bed a little earlier each nite which is good but it also means he is getting up earlier too. Thats not too bad. At the moment he is sitting on the floor with his new shape-elmo-cookie toy. As soon as a show called "raggs the dag" (i think thats its name) came on tv he has been glued to the tv! They sing songs and stuff... he was hitting his hand softly on his toy in time to the music!

Anyhow... things to do - will update soon i hope! (when i get some time!)

Friday, June 30, 2006


Hey all,
Took my lovely son to Kidzoo (Its like a few separate playground areas divided for different aged kids, theres also food available and coffees and stuff) for lunch today with some other mums. Lynda came with Chelsea(4 months), Laurel and Xanthe (18 months I think!), Helga and her son (5 months), June (16 months) and her mum, Kristen and Hannah. (sorry can't remember all their names!)
I took Greggles for a slide down the slipperydip twice... he didn't really like being up the top of the tower very much! He also got to have a turn on the see-saw with Chelsea. Chelsea really enjoyed it! I've never seen her smile and giggle so much.
I can't wait to go again. It was just good to have some other mums around to talk to. We were able to chat about some 'mum' issues and just relax a little.
I also took Greggie on the mini roller-coaster. He really liked that. I'd like to take Paul there one morning (when its not school holidays!) and let him have a play with Gregory on the equipment.

Lynda, Chelsea, Gregory and I also went shopping after Kidzoo. This is Gregory being so cheeky while I looked after Chelsea and him while Lynda went and bought some choccie *yayayay*. The other pic is Chelsea - she seems to be quite pleased with her new toy. A butterfly rattle - it's not even out of the packet yet!!

Paul is home from Coona although I won't see much of him this w/e as he is heading to a LAN, so I'm going to go to a Bonfire tomorrow night in Narromine. I'm not sure who else will be there but Graham and Lynda are going to bring Chelsea :o)... That reminds me... I should get some marshmallows!!! Pam is going to come for the drive with me but spend some time with some of her friends in Narromine but be able to keep me awake or drive me home depending on how tired I am.

Speaking of tired... I'm off to bed ... considering last night was late! (after 1:30 Mr Gregory is WAAAAAAAAAAY too late!)

Friday, June 23, 2006

You know what thought did....

Well life has been busy to say the least. I can't remember when I had time to myself for more than 10 minute intervals. The day will come when I don't know what to do with myself as I'm so used to having something to do.
I had a lovely surprise this morning..... besides watching Australia draw 2-2 with Croatia in the World Cup and go through to the next round.... My hubby had gotten up early for work as he saw no point in going back to bed after the Socceroo match,.... and he's done the folding for me :o) It sent goosebumps through me!

Anyhow - Greggles is up again - I must settle him then head to bed.

BTW - Thought - he stuck a feather in the ground and wondered why he didn't grow a chicken...

Monday, June 19, 2006


Yeh, time seems to disappear! It has been a while since my last post.

I've been really enjoying having my hubby back in town and making the most of lunchtimes with him! Sounds like they want to send him back away next week... we'll see.... :o/

Also my little Gregory has cut his first tooth .... and a second one has just cut yesterday. *sniff sniff* hes all growing up and stuff!! argh!

Not happy about the weekend...... our car was broken into - no damage and nothing taken, only that we had an alarm that scared them off I think. I've since heard that at least 7 cars were stolen on the w/e and 3 more from Parkes. It makes me mad that we work so hard for things and others just come along and take it. Pfttttt to them.

Theres not much else to report at the moment. My niece Makayla is still up at the hospital but growing stronger everyday. They'll let her come home when she takes a full day of bottles, but she seems to be starting to get the hang of it. I haven't seen her in what seems to be forever!

I'm working tomorrow - so YAYAYYAYAY, Anyhow - housework calling :o/

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Just for your information....

On The 4th of may, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning,the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06

Ok... well that was interesting....

Monday, June 05, 2006

It's been a while - ahh well - make up for it now :oP

Its now been over a week *gasp!* since my last blog. The reason being that I have been so busy as Paul has been away *still*. He has gone again today too *not happy Jan!* Not only this, but Gregory had not been sleeping through the night at all. He was waking a minimum of 4 times per night - that was a good night (ie from 11:30pm - 7am) Some nights it was more than once/hour... so most of my days were spent trying to catch up on sleep.

Of the week that went by I remember a few things...

Went to Playgroup on Tuesday - which I must say I usually come home feeling refreshed but I didn't this time. I got to Lyndas and just cried... I'll leave the rest of that to the past.
I know that I looked after Chelsea on Tuedsay and Wednesday - She brightens my day - as Lynda worked. It's usually ok looking after both Gregory & Chelsea - they usually both don't need attention at the same time.... but when they do it can be fun!! (well ... fun probably isnt the most accurate word to use!)

All I remember of Wednesday was going & visiting Megan at the hospital. (Megs is Pauls sister). Her bub was due early July and was having a few problems with high blood pressure and a few other things. I think we cheered her up :o)

Thursday was a blur - I think I skipped Thursday last week?

I know I worked on Friday *yay* and I was lucky as I got to have 5th period off (straight after lunch) and I got to come home for lunch (ie i got a LONG lunch hour :o) Lucky that I did have a long lunch time as Greggie didn't like what I was wearing.... yes I had to go home & change. grrr. As long as Greggles was ok thats all that mattered to me. After school I took Gregory down to the Midwives drop-in clinic to see if they could help with the sleeplessness, the 'formula problem' and how to feed him solids. Armed with the information they gave me (hrmph) I spoke to Lynda when I got home - I got more practical help from Lynda! - We fed Gregory some solids, wrapped him & he only woke 3 times that night! I had dinner with Grum n Lynda - I feel like I really owe them heaps as they've looked after me lots!

My cousins Jillian and Penny and Pennys hubby Scott were in town so on Saturday morning we caught up with them at Gran & Poppas house for morning tea. There was quite a crowd :o) as we don't get to see them often. It was great to catch up with them. I do hope to be in closer contact with them both.
In the afternoon, both Chelsea and Gregory were sleeping at Grum n Lyndas... so Lynda and I thought we'd leave them with Grum while we went shopping (printing photos out for scrapbooking). Grum coped quite well even though both bubs were screaming blue murder when we walked in the door! Poor Grum. lol!
Paul was due home Saturday nite (probably for dinner) but I knew that he wouldn't be. He finally got home around 9:30pm. After he finally got some dinner we got to have some time together. I miss him so much when he's not around.

Sunday was V8 day..... Lynda was working so Grum and Chelsea came here while 'we' watched the races. While I went to pick Lynda up from work, Paulie got a phonecall from his sister. I got home & Paul told me the news.... I'm an AUNTY AGAIN!! yay :o) Megan & Michael had a baby girl. Megs will be in hospital for at least 10 days and bub will be in for at least 2 weeks. Congratulations to you guys! :o)

Anyhow - with Gregory now being 'force-fed' (hehehe) his solids via special means, and being wrapped for sleeptime, I've managed to sleep really well over the weekend. I think it also had something to do with Paulie being home too.
Last night, Gregory stirred once, I left him for a few minutes & he managed to settle himself. I didn't hear him again until 10ish this morning :o) (I did get up to check him once or twice! - ok a few more times...)
After a feed, change, solids and feed he was out to it again! Tired bubby!

Now that I have that off my chest (Happy now Val? :oP) I'm gunna go & organise the house a little.... (ok.. a LOT...) while I can....

Hi to Jon in NewZealand!!

(Oh, I will post piccies of Megan & Michaels bub when I can)

Saturday, May 27, 2006

TImes they is a changing

Hey! Paulie is home *dances*
Its so good :o). Grum n Lynda n Chelsea came over for a bbq-T last nite. It was so yummy. We had a feast!!! We also played 'buzz the trivia game' on PS2... I won *yay me *!!!

Here is a piccie of Gregory on Thursday nite. He was in such a good mood playing peek-a-boo with me! He kept giggling and had the biggest smile! He can 'almost' roll from his tummy to his back with his brace on... He tries and tries then I just tap him on the foot and he flips over! Its so funny to watch.

I woke this morning to find that my hubby wasn't in bed next to me.... my Greggles wasn't in his cot asleep.... they were out in the lounge room together :o) Paul had let me sleep in and taken care of Greggie for me *sigh*. Its the most loveliest feeling!! I sat on the lounger and watched Paul watch Greg... it's wonderful to watch my hubby play with our son.

Anyhow - seeing as Paulie is home I'm gunna go spend time with him *woohooo*.


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Sleep deprived and alone...

Well, Im being home without hubby is really starting to take its toll. I'm starting to get really tired due to Gregory teething and not feeling well, having no 'me' time, and trying to keep up with the 'necessary' housework (ie clean clothes and washing up... not much else.... theres just no time nor engery!)

With all this I am still trying to keep the fridge/cupboards stocked with food, be able to walk through the lounge room, attend mums group and doctors appointments, check the mail, eat 3 meals .... and lots of choccie, check email (oh and ebay .... i'm not REALLY addicted... its just an act...), have a shower and get enough sleep so I can make it through another day. <-- I think I'm doing quite well! Anyhow, it has been an ok day - besides the scream fest that took place at the dr's.... and that i didnt get to do a few little things i needed to do... ah well - theres always tomorrow huh?

Must head to bed now.... while i can... (will he sleep through tonite.... place your bets.... he didnt last nite... finally was allowed to sleep sometime after 4:00 this morning.... see if you are correct before my next posting!!) oh & try this... I think it refers to "time actually asleep" which I don't know how much relevance it "really" has with me at the moment seeing as i'm not "really" getting much sleep.... you know anything about this GREGORY???....

I am a colon!
Find your own pose!

I'm missing you Paulie... please come home soon!! Work smurk... let someone else do it... or let it take care of itself.... OH.... and GO THE BLUES! State of Origin tomorrow nite... hehehhe

Monday, May 22, 2006

Well Well Well

Its been a little while since i posted... oops, my bad!
I've been up to a lot but I'm not sure what to type!! lol!

Paulie has been away for the last 3 weeks and I'm really missing him. He has come home a few nites but not for long enough!! (I want him home forever!) It does make me appreciate the time I DO have with him tho.
As I type this, rememeber when I say 'we' I mean Greggles and Mwa.
Well, it was my brothers birthday on Wednesday and we went to my mums house for pizza and cake. We had to leave earlier than planned as Greg was tired, grumpy and wouldn't sleep coz he might miss something!!
Thursday..? Did i miss Thursday? NAH! I remember. I think... We went to visit Megan. (Pauls sister) It was good to see what she has organised for her new arrival due in seven weeks!! ARGH! I'll be an Aunty again *yay*. Greggy had a play in the walker that she was given. Its funny that its called a walker coz his feet dont touch the ground (hehehe). There were toys infront of him and couldn't decide what to play with first! Here he is. He isn't in his brace - he just wouldn't fit in there with it on. He enjoyed it tho. I'm not sure if it was coz he was upright, or coz there were new toys or coz he was just in a good mood.

Check out some ofther pics of Greggy on his bloggie

On Friday, I went shopping with A.Lynda and Chelsea. It was really good getting out of the house. We went to the mall and picked up some photos I got printed, and then went down town for a milkshake & doughnut. Lynda starts work today. I hope she is enjoying it. I might go and see her at work tomorrow when I go to get lunch.
Saturday was a sleep-in day. I did get my (scrapbooking) room all set up ready to use, although I lacked the inspiration when I finally had it ready to use.... typical!
Saturday arvo/evening Paulie arrived home & we all went out to dinner for a farewell for one of Pauls work collegues. We didn't stay as long as we wanted as Greggles was grumpy and tired. This worked to our advantage as when we got home Greg went to bed and Paul & I finally had some catch-up time.
Sunday was a real lazy day. I managed to cook bacon & eggs for Paulie for a late brekky - Gregory let us sleep in till 9:50!! Didn't do too much but I finally got started on my scrapping. As I got a page finished we were invited to Grum n Lyndas for dinner which was good as we didn't have to cook or clean up! Also Paul & Grum looked after bubs while Lynda and I got too and did s0me scrapping *yay*.
Anyhow... I haven't much planned for the week. Prolly catch up with a few people and maybe do some sewing and definately some more scrapping.
Hoping Paul comes home early and stays in town at least for a few weeks!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

my true colour.... can you guess what it is?

my true colour... how funny!!!
Take this test at Tickle

Your true color is Yellow!

What's Your True Color?

Brought to you by Tickle

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Im a slacker... soo sue me!

Hey all, I know i havent updated in a while but :P~ Im busy

Ive been to Coona to visit Paul on tuesday arvo after going to mums group and all, I went to Orange & Bathurst on the weekend to the computer fair and also to visit Julie (Greggles Godma). It was Julies bday on sunday so we ended up going out to dinner in Orange. It was a good nite. We also caught up with Nathan.
Im working tomorrow arvo - just a 1/2 day on kindy so that should be good.

Greg had his first taste of pear last nite and also his first milk arrowroot bikkie, and he loved them both! He didnt like weetbix tho :o/ Im enjoying being able to give him a bath and also (although i dont admit it) i like to be able to feed him some 'solids'.
Hes in the jolly jumper atm and nearly had enough i think. I must go get him and entertain him so other way :o/.... *thinks*
Well... Looking forward to having Paulie home on friday. I wonder whats planned for mums day on Sunday ?,... I know the car races on............ hrm,.... a real 'mums' treat huh. Might mean I get to scrapbook all day hehehe
Anyhow... best get to the boy. I'll try to update a bit more (TRY!)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Busy Tuesdays

Well today has been a busy day and im exhausted.
We (Gregory & I) went to mums group aka playgroup at 11, then got lunch at went to Lyndas with lunch. After a bit of a play and try to feed and stuff we went to HobbySew coz they are closing down. Sposed to be a sale but nothing is really priced properly so its a bit hard to figure out the real price.
After that we got Grum a coffee and walked to his new work at JAYCAR and had a look around at the shop and stuff. As we walked back to the car we stopped at Rivers to look at some clothes - I found some jeans... a pitty they DONT FIT!! I thought that after having a baby I'd find it easier to get clothes to fit so I got the 10s and tried them on... I need at least an 8... Im not complaining really but I wish I could get some clothes to fit.
(Hey Sassy, wanna make some clothes to fit me too?)
Well, we got some drink and went to visit my Mums Mum. (Gran A.) with Chelsea and Gregory. We got to eat the yummy slice *dance*. Gregory had been quite good and was starting to get a little grumpy so we packed up and headed home. We visited Nicola & Belinda on the way home (from mums group) coz they have some formula Nicola didnt like that they said we could have.
We finally made it home at about 10 to 5. *yawn* Gregory was asleep in the car so I unpacked it and then got him out - he made it to the cot still asleep (yay!) I just wonder how long he'll be alseep for coz he hasnt really had a proper feed yet!
(I'll update you on the weekend with photos shortly :D)
Congratulations to my mum and dad - been married 30 years yesterday :o) WOWOWOWOW
Any how, lots still to do....... and it looks like Im off to dinner at Grum n Lyndas :) Best get ready to go.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Its been a big week so far...

Well, thats an understatement! Not a huge week but really busy.

The main reason is that I'm trying to get together 30 years of photos.... not mine!! My parents have been married 30 years on Monday 1st May. Exciting huh? Well I'm putting together a but of a dvd thingo with their photos from throughout the years and it's not an easy job - going through them is one thing, finding some that are good then deciding which ones of those to actually use.... I've been through 2 suitcases of photos (you know the old hard case ones) numerous photo boxes plus heaps of albums and then some. So its been a time consuming task to say the least.

I have had a little time to myself tho :D. About August last year I spoke to a guy named Cris who was going to Japan with Lions Youth Exchange, see I had been and he wanted some sort of idea what it would be like. Anyhow, he came to visit today and brought his albums. It was great to see Japan again... I can't wait to go back again one day real soon.

I also had PIZZA with my bro Grum and his wife Lynda and bub Chelsea. Here they are both happy on the floor.
I'm going to be an Aunty again really soon *yay*. Looks like I'll only have nieces at the rate things are going :P~ Thinking of ya Megsy!

Anyhow, lots still to do including sleep - tomorrow will also be busy - going to my Gran & Pops place for morning tea along with all the other Great Grandchildren (and their parents) - Liam, Courtney, Chelsea, Gregory, Aaliah, Shalyn, Tiera, and Sheridan (the last 2 are twins whom I havent met yet!!). They're not in age order but hopefully I'll have some pics tomorrow :D
Best get some sleep now while Gregory is *yawn*

Monday, April 24, 2006

SLACK slack slack...

Well yes... I have been a slacker.... but I have a bub so I'm allowed to be :P~

We've been back from Sydney for a while... Gregory got his cast off with no problems (besides being stuffed around by the hospital for 4 hours... but lets not go there...) The doc said from the x-ray that his hip has healed quite well. This photo is me and him and was taken about 5 mins before the cast came off. His poor skin was raw and horrible n stuff from the cast but it is clearing up so quickly!! He's now in whats called an abductor brace that he wears 23 hours/day. This means an hour off per day (yay!) for a play and bath n stuff.
He seems to be coping quite well with the brace and without the brace - I thought it would freak him out so much more!!

Here he is at Maree & Andrew (and AJ the puppy you can see in the background) the nite he got his cast off. He had just had a bath and was excited to be using his new toy - Jolly Jumper :D. Mind you he screamed and screamed about the bath - prolly coz his skin was so sore and also that he wasn't used to it as it had been 12 weeks (1/2 his life!) since he had his last bath..... and it was never in the big bath either!

We enjoyed the trip heaps :D When I get the photos from the lappy I shall post them.

(This photo is from his first bath at home)

So Gregory now doesn't mind the bath (too much - touch wood!) as long as he has his rubby ducky!! lol.... He still seems to get a bit upset and bring on the real tears sometimes but each bath is getting better! I love my squishy baby!

He has also started on solids (well as solid as rice ceral can be....) He had his first taste at Grandma and Grandads house over Easter.... He has been 'tasting' bread crusts for a little while already tho! Anyhow - those pics aren't showing up - I'll get back to it later......... (told you I'd been slack!! SO much has happend)
GTG - the little blighter is now awake.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Mr Motorbike

Yesterday, my little Gregory and I went to visit some people.... and Gregory got to gave a sit on his first motorbike!!! Pammie met up with us there and took a photo of him on a forklift!! When I get a copy I shall post it :o)

(Anyone wanna buy a laser?)

Well I'm off to work this morning,... as soon as my baby-sitter gets here :D. Gregory is sound asleep *touch wood* and only cos again he didn't sleep really well last nite. I'm hoping this will all change when the cast comes off on Monday (only days away!) I know he'll prolly be unsettled for quite some time after it comes off but thats all ok... I'll have my Greggies legs back!! *yay*
Well gtg... Maybe post some pics later.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Quick Update

Its been a busy few days! I got to work yesterday *yay* I also went to physio about my hip - seems I have bursitis, (not much I can do about it), I get to work Friday, had mums group this morning and have a list of things still to do today.

(Aunty Pammie took this photo recently while I was at her house....... She makes me giggle!!)

Mums group today made me realise how blessed I am with what I have. One of the mums had a baby seat, pram and port-a-cot in her car and it was stolen during the week. The car was found.... burnt out... including the bub items..... I nearly cried when I heard this... those things in the car aren't cheap and the cost of replacing them adds up really quickly. People have heard about it and have donated a car, car seat and pram already! Makes you realise that for all the bad out there, there is more than enough goodness out there too. People have also donated clothes and heaps of other stuff for her and her bub.
Also feel blessed that Gregory's cast is coming off soon, but feel sad for a few of the other mums who are seeing specialists for other reasons. It makes Gregory's cast seem insignificant in comparison although it still is a big deal for me!!

There's now less than a week til the cast comes off... I'm getting excited and really looking forward to it. We're getting Gregory a 'Jolly Jumper' to help with strengthening his legs when he comes out of the cast. We'll take it with us when we go away.

Anyhow.. I'm gunna go have a rest while I can! Who knows when the chance will come back up again!!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

My 2 boys

Here is hubby Paul with Greggles. They have been watching the V8 car races. Obviously Murph hadn't crashed yet coz they are both still smiling!!

He're's Greg y'day at a friends place... he'd been up for such a long time and ended up just 'crashin'. We'd been to mums group in the morning, then lunch with Paulie, then went to Naomi's place (it's her lounge). After his nap we went to Myers and Best n Less and bought some cute clothes - a jumper or 2 coz he hasn't got many and the weather is unpredictable atm. I also got him an adorable pair of overalls. - they sorta fit him atm! But we'll wait another week & 1/2.

Haven't been up to a lot today. Lynda & Chelsea came around and spent 1/2 the day with us. Planning on doing some more scrapbooking tonight. Anyhow, Paul should be home soon.... might go see whats for dinner.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

2 weeks and counting down!!!

This is me and Greggles after his second HipSpica (plaster cast) was put on. You can't tell but there's a 4 yr old kid screaming in the background..... I'd had only like 3 hours sleep! He's now got only 2 weeks til the plaster is removed. He'll go into another type of harness thingo... not sure exactly which one yet..... but it's gotta be better than the cast! Soon he'll be able to have his first bath at home! *dance*

Here is Greggles with his Teddy from Cookie-ma (Paulies Mum).

Speaking of Greggles - gtg - he's awake.... maybe I'll get some sleep tonite!! fingers crossed!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

SmAsH - a bugga for Murph

I had more sleep last nite than the nite b4 - but still barely enough! As long as Gregory doesn't get too upset I seem to be able to cope.

We've spent the afternoon with Grum Lynda & Chelsea the boys watching the V8 supercars, and we sorta did while we scrap-booked and looked after the bubs.... well the guys did help a bit with that too. I can't wait to see the results of the page I'm currently working on...!!

Poor Murph got taken out along with Scaife with a bit of misfortune but he's still in the top 20 of the championship!! *yay* the next points round is his pet fav... he does the best there :D so he's sure to catch up soon.

Greggles fell asleep in the car on the way home, which was short-lived when I got him out of the car, although it didn't take much for him to go to sleep once we were inside.

We'll have hotdogs for dinner... havent had those in YEARS!!. Anyhow - the boy has just woken up, seems to be in a pretty good mood *yay*.

Friday, March 24, 2006

How Smart Is Your Right Foot?

How Smart Is Your Right Foot?
This is so funny that it will boggle your mind. And, you will keeptrying it at least 50 more times to see if you can outsmart your foot.
But you can't!!!

1. While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles with it.
2. Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with yourright hand...

Your foot will change direction!!!
I told you so.. And there is nothing you can do about it.

I've spent the day doing things for me :o). As a mum this is one of the most important things you can do. I got to sleep in... well I was up at 3:30.... but slept in til 9:30 so I think that counts, I went and picked up some photos that I got developed, put $cheques$ in the bank, visited the school with Gregory, had lunch with my hubby, visited 'Aunty Lynda' & 'Cousin Chelsea', went shopping & bought some scrapping stuff (for the photos I got developed this morning :oP), went to Lyndas for scrapping, had dinner with Grum Lynda Chelsea, Paul and Gregory, got 3 pages of scrapping done and one in the pipeline. Well - that was my day :o)
Now I'm home & checking email and about to have some icecream with hubby, maybe curl up on the lounge with my mag with Paulie, then I can go to bed *yay*.

I think it goes down as one good day :o) I didn't even run out of CHOCCIE!! theres 1 1/2 blocks still in the fridge. *dance*
Nite all!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Back at schoooooooooool

Fooled ya!! I was WORKING back at school *dances*. Gregory kept me up till about 3:30 this morning, so I didn't get much sleep but I did ok :o)

I got up this morning, and he was still sleeping, I had to wake him to feed him before I went to work - lazy boy ;o). Anyway, Pammie was here to look after him n it was all good. I headed off and arrived a little late but it was ok as there was assembly this morning *phew*.
Im glad that I managed to get home to the little critter at lunchtime coz I missed him so much! He had been drinking from the bottle but only after like an hour of crying for Pammie!
My sister-in-law came and rescued the day as Pammie had to go to class. He ended up taking a rusk and then he was given his bottle and drank it himself!!! *yay*. When I got home at lunch I said hello to him, he was so excited to see me!!!! He had a feed and a change then I headed back to work..... I got a message to say that he'd fallen asleep basically as I left!! *phew again*

He was asleep when I arrived home from work around 3:30 and was asleep for about an hour or so. Of course when he woke for a nappy change and feed the phone rang and it was the hospital in Sydney with whom we've got an appointment in April, a 20 min call!!! at least he was well behaved while I was on the phone.

Im so glad that I prepared enough dinner last nite for tonites tea - coz there's no way I was gunna cook. It was so easy to just reheat and eat. Hopefully it won't be too late a nite. I'm stuffed - and we've got a pretty big day tomorrow too - Our first Playgroup!!
Must scoot & feed him, and hopefully he will settle soon so I can go to bed!!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Ran out of chocolate!!!

SO... it's been another day of not enough sleep, a crying bub, lots of really dirty nappies and I ran out of chocolate - whats a mum to do?!

Nah all in all it hasn't been too bad a day. I finally (or we) got the house looking a like we the bomb aftermath has been cleaned up. I'm hopefully pretty ready for a days work tomorrow - but I am quite worried about how the boy will cope. Gregory has decided that the only way to drink milk is from me - even if it is mums milk a bottle just wont do. I have organised to be able to come home at lunchtime... I hope he'll be ok til then.
Ah well - I should get to bed seeing as I have a big day ahead of me with a yr 5/6 class and all. I am looking forward to it.......

Fingers crossed...

Monday, March 20, 2006

Yellow Flowers :o)

If someone had told me 5 years ago where I would be today, I'm not sure I would have believed them! Today my husband Paul and I celebrate our 2nd Wedding Anniversary. It has been a good day so far :o)
Paul came home for lunch with a bunch of yellow and white flowers for me :o) *dances*
I've organised a surprise for him tonite - I'll post later just in case ;o)
I tried to be sneaky last nite and get some information from him but he didn't seem to answer any of my questions with much detail (yeh I should know by now... typical male.... need to ask the EXACT question to get any sort of detailed answer!) Ah well we'll see how I went with my surprise. Lots to do!!

Well well well.... it all went according to plan!
Pammie (my sister) came round about 4:30 and helped me get ready :o) Made me feel like a princess! At 5:00 Greggles woke up and fed and changed. By 5:30 we were round at my parents house :D Time to put the finishing touches on the plan......I called Paul (who I'd already side-tracked by sending him on an errand on his way home) to tell him that 'alas!' I'd broken down outside the Cascades MotorInn.... and to meet me inside as 'it was too hot in the car for the bub'. He informed me that he was about 2 blocks away as I hurried inside.....

From the reception, I could see him pull up and have a quick look at the car before he headed for the door. I backed away and waited for him to come in... I didn't say anything but waited for his reaction to me all dressed up nicely..... what a way to break-down ;)
Anyhow, I gave him a hug and said "I'm not broken down and Gregory isn't here with us... It's you and me for dinner."
It was then that he realised that I'd conveniently 'broken down' outside where we had our wedding reception 2 years ago.... and instead of being surrounded by 80 or so family and friends it was a change to be able to sit down to dinner just the two of us.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

It starts.......

Gday all you tigers,

Hows things? Well I'm pretty fine and dandy - at 12:50am on a Sunday morning. The little one (aka Gregory) is sleeping and I'm about to do the same. Lets hope that he sleeps through once more - the last 2 nites hes had 8 hour sleeps finally! He used to sleep through like that for a start but with all the travelling and stuff it put him out of routine. Gregory also has as of today, mastered using a 'rusk'. One of those horrible tasting sticks of bread-like substance that babies chew on when they are teething. Tho he does seem to be upset when he drops it and goes to put his hand back to his mouth and he finds that he is chewing his fingers again!

Today has been one of interest and one of non-interest.
I have a soda-stream. Yes.... one of those - always wanted one, got one now have no idea how to use the bloody thing!! argh! anyone go any ideas? btw - it's one of the REALLY old ones!!

Haven't been up to much else - spending the day with my hubby, eating peppermint chip chocolate (and for all those out there that don't like peppermint chocolate, GOOD!! all the more for meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

Well - I really should sleep while the bub is.... more to add later. Nite nite.... *yawn*