Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A whole month.... oopsy doopsy!

I can't believe that I haven't put a blog on my bloggie for over a month... sorry and OOPSY!!

Well the 14th February brings love, muuuushy stuff.... and lotsa choccie!! thanks Paul xox

Its been a busy couple of weeks to say the least and it doesnt seem to be looking like slowing down. Besides all the usual day-to-day stuff I've had to battle against a summer cold - so much worse than a winter one!! argh!* It just wears me down even more - all I want to do is sleep and I can't seem to get any at NIGHT when everyone else is... so grrrrrrrrr

On the bubba front we've now got less than 10 weeks til bubba2 joins the real world. We've so much to do before he/she joins us. I'm hoping to get a lot done this weekend but things always seem to be popping up and interrupting my plans for cleaning out the scrapbooking room.... We go for a sizing ultra-sound in the next few weeks and we'll decide which path we'll take.

I've decided to join a new playgroup (Friday mornings was just waaaaaaaaaaaay too early- Greg isn't out of bed when they meet!! lol) on Tuesdays. We (Greg and I) went for the first time y'day and both had a blast. There's children from 3 weeks all the way through to pre-school age. Its good for Greg to see them and be able to interact with so many other kids. He had his first play with playdough... smashing it on the table over and over!! lol There were also hula-hoops, balls, jigsaw puzzles. We had morning tea (everyone brings a piece of fruit and the kids all share it) with water - Greg is working so hard to learn how to use a cup!! After morning tea we joined in some singing with action songs. Gregory giggled nearly the whole way through the singing! It was good to see him play so well with other kids.. he also wasn't afraid to say hello to the other mums and let them walk him with one hand.

Not this weekend but next weekend is Chelsea's birthday - I can't believe she's nearly 1 year old already!! Gregory and I joined Grum, Lynda and Chelsea for dinner last night and Chelsea started using her trolley a little more than just 2 steps!! It was so exciting to watch her reaction when she realised what she had done. Gregory and her played so well together. Its so good to watch them play.
We're also heading off to Sydney on that Sunday - Gregory has his hip check-up on the Monday morning at Westmead Hospital. So fingers all crossed that it's all good news.

Pammie has moved to Wagga last weekend.... argh! thats still something I've gotta get my head around.... On my way home from going out places I still think about dropping by and seeing her... then realise.... :o(..... I can't!! She's not gunna be there! I've been around to the parents last week... Pams room is so empty... actually all of upstairs seems that way! I miss ya Pam... I wanna come visit soon!!

Today Gregory walked from the t.v. all the way over to me sitting on the lounge. He is getting so much better walking and so quickly! Scary stuff!! I do spose he is practicing ALL the time!! hehehe.. I can't wait to see him walk the length of the lounge room.
Tonight he followed Paul to his room, Paul had shut the door before he got there so he started knocking and saying "dadadad!". It was quite cute!! hehehe

Well, I know I haven't blogged about me for a while - I can't seem to think what else I've been up to.... My life is Paul and Gregory atm!!