Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Twas the week before Christmas....

Well, things have been busy to say the least. All the visiting family had gone by Sunday lunchtime and things started settling down a little.... not for long as many return later this week!
The pressies are now all wrapped up under the tree.... and have been for a little while *phew*! It still doesnt feel a lot like Christmas.... maybe if I finish decorating the tree *giggle*

Monday night was my work Chrissy party. As I haven't worked in a few weeks it was GREAT to catch up with everyone. I had a great night - company and food were both fantastic. It was relaxing for me too as Paul stayed home with Greggie and I got a night off on my own. I'm going to miss them all next year as I probably won't get the opportunity to work before I need time-off for Bub2.

Yesterday was the playgroup party at Kidzoo. Greg loved playing with bubbles and with Chelsea on the rocker. They also played on a mini-roller-coaster and in the ball pit. All was going good till little Greggie fell over trying to reach the table bumped his head. I think it scared me a bit more than I realised at the time! A couple of the other mums came and looked after him and calmed him for me which was a relief. He has an egg on his little noggin' to show for it but it is healing rather quickly! Poor Greggie!

Tonight we went to the West Dubbo Bowling Club for a party with a friend of mine - Naomi. We had a yummy dinner and chatted for a while. While we were there we took some piccies... as you can see they turned out rather nicely! We had planned to have a game of bowls but it was getting a little late for Greggie so we dropped by Pauls parents on the way home. When we got home, Greggie went straight to bed without a real fuss.... He did miss his arvo nap so it was good for all involved!! hehee

Thursday, December 14, 2006

A fitting tribute to a man greatly missed

Today was my Grandpa's funeral. Family came from Perth, Adelaide and Sydney, and anywhere in between. It has been an amazing couple of days.
The service was just suited to a wonderful man who lived his life with such integrity. It started with words from the celebrant, followed by a life story. It's amazing to hear how many community projects Grandpa was involved in. He really was a giving man and so many people were there to give thanks for his life.
His children (mum and her brother and sisters) all gave some stories about him to the rest of the service. The thing that really brought tears to my eyes was remembering Grandpa and his piklets - I think it was more from the laughter at the memories than that he was gone....... I also found myself brought to tears by the many RSL people who came forward and placed poppies on his coffin. It really showed how many people he touched as they all stood around his coffin as guard of honour while the Reveille and the Last Post were played.
Gran is holding up quite well. She is a strong woman who deserves all the love and comfort that she is getting at the moment. I pray that people continue to gather around her over the next few years as she adjusts to life on her own after 63 years of married life.

I love you and will miss you Grandpa Jim. May you rest in peace always.........

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

What a month

(WARNING *Go and grab a coffee now.... you're in for a long bloggie*)

Yes, its been a month since my last blog (I feel like Im at a confessional and Im not Catholic!! argh!) and so much has happened. I seem to be on an emotional rollercoaster...... It is for this reason mainly that I have found it hard to write as I have opened my blog more times than I can recall only to find that I didn't have the words to write or didn't know where to start.

Today, especially, has made me realise how precious life and time is and to treasure the moments you have with your loved ones while they are around. I've been encouraged to try to make more time for my friends and to do some of the things in life that I've been putting off.
Today, someone I know, who is my age, lost his life tragically in an accident, leaving behind a young family. My heart goes out to Ben's family. It just seems so hard to comprehend.

This makes all the emotions of the past month become so much more real. My grandfather has been unwell with Lukemia for longer than 2 years and been having transfusions when required. Last month the transfusions failed to help him as they needed to and it was decided that they would discontinue his treatment. We knew it had to come soon - we were told 3 years ago that he wouldn't make Christmas... we were living with him on 'borrowed time' as some say.
The family has been spending lots of the last month with my Grandma helping her in any way she needs it including taking Gran to visit Grandpa in the hospital/nursing home where he is, and organising the things that need to be done. We've been told that he hasn't long left at all - over a week ago he apparently had only 2 or 3 days left.
Grandpa is a well respected member of the community who has had a lot to do with the RSL and Lions Clubs. He even helped me go on Lions Youth Exchange in 2002/2003. He and Gran have been married now for 63 years! I was coming home from picking Greggie up from the shop because Mum looked after him while I had my ultrasound today, on the way home on the radio they were talking about Lions Christmas Cakes.... we've had one every year - even when we were in Perth Grandpa and Gran managed to get one for us! I had a tear in my eye each time they mentioned Lions Christmas Cake.
Pam has listed a blog with a song that reminded her about the love that Gran and Grandpa share and Val has posted a blog about some her memories -with both blogs I didn't even get past the first 2 paragraphs without crying. I've been so blessed to have grown up with 4 Grandparents and 1 Great Grandma, and I've only lost my Great Grandmother. I see it as a blessing to not have lost someone close but it's hard to know how to react to losing someone you love when you haven't had much experience in this. One thing that keeps coming back to me is the Lion King...... The circle of life song plays around and around in my head like a broken record at the moment :o

I also went for my 18-20 week ultrasound today.... my goodness time has flown - we're 1/2way already! argh! We got to see a little bub kicking around! All the toes and fingers, the heart beating away, such an experience! Once I scan I'll post :o)

The weekend was busy as we went to Pauls work Christmas party on Friday night. My mum looked after Greggles for us and we enjoyed our night out. - Hogs Breath for dinner followed by drinks at Megs work :o) Saturday night was my mums big birthday bash *haha* and Pauls mum minded Greggie while we had another night of 'freedom' from bub! I had to try to get back to some sort of routine after not having Greggie for a night or 2!

Greg has also been sick last week - he had an ear infection as well as a tummy bug.... eiw yuck!! It was determined that the cause was/is the 4 teeth that he is currently cutting... OUCHIES!!
The little fellow has also been walking with the block trolley all on his own, learnt to ride his bike on his own (it has 4 wheels but he can finally touch the ground and go FORWARDS!), and he actually climbed onto the lounge by himself!! Oh no... where to put the remote for the tv now! I can't believe just how quickly they grow up.

With Christmas only around the corner we started to put our decorations tonight.... we didn't get very far......... although Gregory loved the reindeer antlers and it kept him amused or a few minutes until he saw the tree (or only 1/2 as I was in the middle of putting it together) .... and proceeded to pull it over onto himself... all is ok... no broken bones or branches!! I'm looking forward to putting all the wrapped up pressies underneath.... but a bit worried about the G *for Gregory* factor!!

Well I should head to bed. Hopefully I'll be able to get some sleep tonight - bubs been resting on arteries in my lower back and cutting/slowing blood circulation... so even in all this heat my legs are cold!!

Night night you lot. Stay safe and be Blessed. xoxxox