Friday, April 27, 2007

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Photo News

Hey all,
Just a quick update. Today Mitchell and I were in the Dubbo Photo News. The photo was taken while we were still in hospital and Mitchell was still in the Nursery.
Since my last blog, we've taken Mitchell on his first family outing - we went to the Mall... Megs came with us. While we were there, Gregory saw a motorbike that was being used as a prop for a photo thingo. I ended up giving in and having his pic taken.... Haven't done that before (except Santa photo). He really enjoyed sitting on the bike but didn't want to get off!!! Oh well.... they ended up distracting him with a ball and all was good.
We also went to visit my Grandma (mums mother) who was delighted to see both her great grandsons Gregory & Mitchell. Gran finally had a hold of Mitchell (link to pic of Gran and Mitchell) and thought he was just perfect. awww....

The midwife also came around to visit and checked and weighed Mitchell. He is now past his birth weight which is great news. He is sleeping and feeding well.

Gregory is coping quite well with the changes of the new baby.... except he likes being rough with any other 'baby' visitors (Makayla and Chelsea).... I think this is because he has been playing a little rough with Dad.... oops! I think Dad has decided not to play that too much anymores..... we'll see!! Anyhows, he'll learn soon enough (we hope!!)

Pammie will be home this weekend...... Can't wait to see her again :o) yayay. Not much else happening... be watching the v8's but not much else.
Anyhows, must scoot.... a few things to do before dinner.
Take care y'all.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Click on any of the pics to see them bigger :o)

Mitchell is home!!!!!

Ok everyone! I am home... been a little slack with the ol' bloggie!! So heres a blog about little Mitchell!
Mitchell Edward was born 8:13 on Thursday 5th April. He weighed 2990g and was 50cm long. We stayed at the hospital for a week but are so glad to be home!!!

He had lots of visitors at the hospital - Daddy and big brother Greggie, Aunty Val, Aunty Pam, Aunty Megan, Aunty Lynda, Uncle Jon, Uncle Michael, Uncle Grum, Uncle Andy, Gran, Grandpa, Nanna, Cousins Chelsea and Makayla, Great Gran A, Great Gran & Poppa, Beaux, Sarah & Paul T, Sharon and her 3 children Mattia, Daniel and Machaela....

He has settled in well to life at home and Greg is taking it all in his stride. Thursday night when we brought him home Gregory patted him on the head with a washer that I was using a burp cloth (we also use them in the bath to wash Gregory... he was pretending to wash Mitchell!!) but he was so gentle with Mitchell. Friday morning Gregory climbed up to sit next to me while I was feeding Mitchell and patted Mitchell ever so gently on the head and looked up at me to check that he was doing something that was ok. When I told Gregory that he was good boy, he promptly got down off the lounge, went looking for Daddy and swang his arms in proudness.
He soon came back over and I showed Gregory Mitchells hand and tired to get him to hold it but he wouldnt. Shortly after this, Mitchell streched and Gregory reached for him and held his hand. He looked so proud once again.
Last night we went to Graham and Lyndas for dinner and Mitchell was on my lap. Gregory just walked by and wasn't phased but Chelsea came up and wanted to know what was going on. She kept playing with his little feet! She also started to try and say Mitch.... but you can imagine what it really sounds like as she puts a "B" infront of everything...... At least she's trying!!!
This morning I was feeding Mitchell and Gregory climbed up onto my lap (yes with Mitchell) reached over Mitchell and cuddled me! Aww.... He also patted Mitchell on the head softly and snuggled into the both of us. It was so lovely!! I think Gregory is coping rather well!
This afternoon, Mitchell was on the floor after having his nappy changed and Gregory tried to pick him up to nurse him. I helped and Gregory had Mitchell sitting in his arms and lap with a huge big brother grin on his face!! He looked so proud again!!
Anyhow... check out the next blog for piccies... :o)

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Some of you may already know, I'm having a baby!! Well the time has come and its full steam ahead.... TOMORROW!! I know this comes as a shock to some of you as you know bub isn't due til later in the month but due to some minor issues (nothing too serious to worry about) bub's birthday has been brought forward.

I'm quite excited about it... still in shock that I will meet the little blighter tomorrow!! Paul will remain in touch with many people via sms & a few emails here and there........ and I plan to update myspace with photos galore later next week, just as soon as I'm home and up to typing away..... sorry to keep you all waiting that long!! (some things just can't be helped)

Those in Dub-vegas feel free to come visit me sometime over Easter (and remember it is Easter..... choccie choccie choccie ;P hehehe)

Take care and talk to you when theres another member of the family about!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Setting Up

Gday all,
What a long day it has turned out to be! Although my wonderful hubby let me sleep in (awww how sweet) we got so much done today and I feel so relieved.

Well it started while I was waiting for lunch really. I put on a movie and did some of the folding. When lunch was over Paulie had to go do some stuff for work (gets some o'time tho!) and Greggie was in bed so I decided to call my mum and touch base. In the middle of our phonecall she had another call come through so when I hung up I decided to go and have a nice shower and pamper myself a little *aww*. I had just finished getting dressed and brushing my hair and the phone rang.... It was mum... at the front door!! haha!! She rang the doorbell, my mobile and the house phone was the last resort. Anyhows. I let her in. She'd come over to give me a hand cleaning up and getting reading for setting some bubba stuff up! yayay!
So Greg was awake and had his lunch in the high chair while we cleaned up the kitchen (for those who don't know, we've all been a little sick this week with a horrible virus so the place was a little messy to say the least!! Paul even had a sick day! Which doesnt happen often.) It was a good start. We hang some clothes out on the line then set to getting into my scrapbooking room - now bubs room to clean it up and out and set up the bed n stuff.

We managed to move (well... I instructed more than moved.... I feel like a house and shouldn't be lifting with 3 weeks to go!) my scrapping stuff into Pauls room (well it's now OUR room... I'll have to call it the office or something haha) and after some sorting out set up the bed in there as well. By this time Paulie had arrived home and was helping too. We took turns keeping Mr Greggie occupied and soon had things looking sorta reasonable! Thanks mum!!!!!

Once mum left I had a rest - I know Greg went to bed but its unknown how much SLEEP he actually had!!

Mum had left her glasses here so I dropped around to take them to her and decided to pick up some pizza on the way home. Greg ate 2 slices!! ooooo!!

Paul and I got in and sorted the other boxes and stuff out enough so that we could actually MOVE in bubs room. We managed to throw a heap of rubbish out and put some other stuff in the shed for now.

We're feeling quite happy about it and I'm relieved that it is done. I also put Gregs quilt on his bed and made up the other bed too so yay its nearly done. All I need now are the drawers to put bubs clothes in (which are all washed and neatly folded ready to go away ..... awww they so tiny!) which I endeavour to get done by tomorrow arvo.

We're off to the Dr's on Tuesday for what we hope to be our last pre-natal visit before bub arrives but we'll have to see what Dr says.

Val, Jon, Pam and Beaux will all be home for Easter this weekend which I can't wait to see them all. I miss them all so much!!

There is so much happening in the family at the moment but it is getting rather late and I'm actually feeling tired .... hopefully I'll actually sleep!!

Take care you lot and keep watching for the latest news on bub2!