Saturday, May 27, 2006

TImes they is a changing

Hey! Paulie is home *dances*
Its so good :o). Grum n Lynda n Chelsea came over for a bbq-T last nite. It was so yummy. We had a feast!!! We also played 'buzz the trivia game' on PS2... I won *yay me *!!!

Here is a piccie of Gregory on Thursday nite. He was in such a good mood playing peek-a-boo with me! He kept giggling and had the biggest smile! He can 'almost' roll from his tummy to his back with his brace on... He tries and tries then I just tap him on the foot and he flips over! Its so funny to watch.

I woke this morning to find that my hubby wasn't in bed next to me.... my Greggles wasn't in his cot asleep.... they were out in the lounge room together :o) Paul had let me sleep in and taken care of Greggie for me *sigh*. Its the most loveliest feeling!! I sat on the lounger and watched Paul watch Greg... it's wonderful to watch my hubby play with our son.

Anyhow - seeing as Paulie is home I'm gunna go spend time with him *woohooo*.


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Sleep deprived and alone...

Well, Im being home without hubby is really starting to take its toll. I'm starting to get really tired due to Gregory teething and not feeling well, having no 'me' time, and trying to keep up with the 'necessary' housework (ie clean clothes and washing up... not much else.... theres just no time nor engery!)

With all this I am still trying to keep the fridge/cupboards stocked with food, be able to walk through the lounge room, attend mums group and doctors appointments, check the mail, eat 3 meals .... and lots of choccie, check email (oh and ebay .... i'm not REALLY addicted... its just an act...), have a shower and get enough sleep so I can make it through another day. <-- I think I'm doing quite well! Anyhow, it has been an ok day - besides the scream fest that took place at the dr's.... and that i didnt get to do a few little things i needed to do... ah well - theres always tomorrow huh?

Must head to bed now.... while i can... (will he sleep through tonite.... place your bets.... he didnt last nite... finally was allowed to sleep sometime after 4:00 this morning.... see if you are correct before my next posting!!) oh & try this... I think it refers to "time actually asleep" which I don't know how much relevance it "really" has with me at the moment seeing as i'm not "really" getting much sleep.... you know anything about this GREGORY???....

I am a colon!
Find your own pose!

I'm missing you Paulie... please come home soon!! Work smurk... let someone else do it... or let it take care of itself.... OH.... and GO THE BLUES! State of Origin tomorrow nite... hehehhe

Monday, May 22, 2006

Well Well Well

Its been a little while since i posted... oops, my bad!
I've been up to a lot but I'm not sure what to type!! lol!

Paulie has been away for the last 3 weeks and I'm really missing him. He has come home a few nites but not for long enough!! (I want him home forever!) It does make me appreciate the time I DO have with him tho.
As I type this, rememeber when I say 'we' I mean Greggles and Mwa.
Well, it was my brothers birthday on Wednesday and we went to my mums house for pizza and cake. We had to leave earlier than planned as Greg was tired, grumpy and wouldn't sleep coz he might miss something!!
Thursday..? Did i miss Thursday? NAH! I remember. I think... We went to visit Megan. (Pauls sister) It was good to see what she has organised for her new arrival due in seven weeks!! ARGH! I'll be an Aunty again *yay*. Greggy had a play in the walker that she was given. Its funny that its called a walker coz his feet dont touch the ground (hehehe). There were toys infront of him and couldn't decide what to play with first! Here he is. He isn't in his brace - he just wouldn't fit in there with it on. He enjoyed it tho. I'm not sure if it was coz he was upright, or coz there were new toys or coz he was just in a good mood.

Check out some ofther pics of Greggy on his bloggie

On Friday, I went shopping with A.Lynda and Chelsea. It was really good getting out of the house. We went to the mall and picked up some photos I got printed, and then went down town for a milkshake & doughnut. Lynda starts work today. I hope she is enjoying it. I might go and see her at work tomorrow when I go to get lunch.
Saturday was a sleep-in day. I did get my (scrapbooking) room all set up ready to use, although I lacked the inspiration when I finally had it ready to use.... typical!
Saturday arvo/evening Paulie arrived home & we all went out to dinner for a farewell for one of Pauls work collegues. We didn't stay as long as we wanted as Greggles was grumpy and tired. This worked to our advantage as when we got home Greg went to bed and Paul & I finally had some catch-up time.
Sunday was a real lazy day. I managed to cook bacon & eggs for Paulie for a late brekky - Gregory let us sleep in till 9:50!! Didn't do too much but I finally got started on my scrapping. As I got a page finished we were invited to Grum n Lyndas for dinner which was good as we didn't have to cook or clean up! Also Paul & Grum looked after bubs while Lynda and I got too and did s0me scrapping *yay*.
Anyhow... I haven't much planned for the week. Prolly catch up with a few people and maybe do some sewing and definately some more scrapping.
Hoping Paul comes home early and stays in town at least for a few weeks!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

my true colour.... can you guess what it is?

my true colour... how funny!!!
Take this test at Tickle

Your true color is Yellow!

What's Your True Color?

Brought to you by Tickle

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Im a slacker... soo sue me!

Hey all, I know i havent updated in a while but :P~ Im busy

Ive been to Coona to visit Paul on tuesday arvo after going to mums group and all, I went to Orange & Bathurst on the weekend to the computer fair and also to visit Julie (Greggles Godma). It was Julies bday on sunday so we ended up going out to dinner in Orange. It was a good nite. We also caught up with Nathan.
Im working tomorrow arvo - just a 1/2 day on kindy so that should be good.

Greg had his first taste of pear last nite and also his first milk arrowroot bikkie, and he loved them both! He didnt like weetbix tho :o/ Im enjoying being able to give him a bath and also (although i dont admit it) i like to be able to feed him some 'solids'.
Hes in the jolly jumper atm and nearly had enough i think. I must go get him and entertain him so other way :o/.... *thinks*
Well... Looking forward to having Paulie home on friday. I wonder whats planned for mums day on Sunday ?,... I know the car races on............ hrm,.... a real 'mums' treat huh. Might mean I get to scrapbook all day hehehe
Anyhow... best get to the boy. I'll try to update a bit more (TRY!)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Busy Tuesdays

Well today has been a busy day and im exhausted.
We (Gregory & I) went to mums group aka playgroup at 11, then got lunch at went to Lyndas with lunch. After a bit of a play and try to feed and stuff we went to HobbySew coz they are closing down. Sposed to be a sale but nothing is really priced properly so its a bit hard to figure out the real price.
After that we got Grum a coffee and walked to his new work at JAYCAR and had a look around at the shop and stuff. As we walked back to the car we stopped at Rivers to look at some clothes - I found some jeans... a pitty they DONT FIT!! I thought that after having a baby I'd find it easier to get clothes to fit so I got the 10s and tried them on... I need at least an 8... Im not complaining really but I wish I could get some clothes to fit.
(Hey Sassy, wanna make some clothes to fit me too?)
Well, we got some drink and went to visit my Mums Mum. (Gran A.) with Chelsea and Gregory. We got to eat the yummy slice *dance*. Gregory had been quite good and was starting to get a little grumpy so we packed up and headed home. We visited Nicola & Belinda on the way home (from mums group) coz they have some formula Nicola didnt like that they said we could have.
We finally made it home at about 10 to 5. *yawn* Gregory was asleep in the car so I unpacked it and then got him out - he made it to the cot still asleep (yay!) I just wonder how long he'll be alseep for coz he hasnt really had a proper feed yet!
(I'll update you on the weekend with photos shortly :D)
Congratulations to my mum and dad - been married 30 years yesterday :o) WOWOWOWOW
Any how, lots still to do....... and it looks like Im off to dinner at Grum n Lyndas :) Best get ready to go.