Sunday, October 29, 2006

Slacker but you'll soon know why

Hey all,
Its been a little while *ok a LONG while....* since my last post, but with GREAT excuse (or REASON) should I say.
I've been a little busy to say the least.
My (our) little boy Greggie has turned 1 year old 6 days ago!!! Its so hard believe.... although I watch him now and see just how inquisitive he is.... getting into everything! He's currently at a clothesbasket of clean clothes.... not sure how long they'll last in there tho!! Hes now into the drink cupboard.... can't turn your head for a second and he's somewhere else!!
We had a birthday party for him - complete with a number one shaped birthday cake. He had lots of family and some friends around. It was a really good night. We also had a party at playgroup for 3 of the kids who had birthdays that week.
The other major reason that I've been so busy (aka slack) is that I've been quite sick with... morning sickness!! Yes!! I'm pregnant - Pauls going to be a Daddy again, and Gregory will be a big brother!! And yes... I'll be a mum x2!! Its quite exciting. I've had my 12 week ultrasound and found out my due date... just happens to be th 24th April... yes.... It seems as though if you are in this little family it's a pre-requisite that you SHARE your birthday - Greg and Paul share theirs... and I've never had my own .... as I was born on my twin sisters bday (giggle). So sorry Taylah!! We'll see about it as it is only an estimated due date! (Gregory was born on his due date tho). Mornings have been quite a write-off and I'm trying to spend as much time with Gregory as I can! He gets lots of Dad time on weekends tho as Paul tends to treat me as a Princess and let me sleep in a little!! I'm usually ok by about 2:00 in the arvo but its not always true.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

A busy weekend

Just a quick update before heading to bed.
Well, lots has happened since my last post! We went on a family trip + extras to Bathurst (well nearly!) for the weekend. The Bathurst 1000 was on - we went with Grum n Lynda n Chelsea and some friends from Sydney and stayed at a couple of cottages together about 30klms from Bathurst (closer to Oberon really!) and had a pretty good time.
Lynda and I took Chelsea and Gregory into the races on Friday. Gregory had his photo with Craig Lowndes :o) *guess who won the w/e!!* (I shall post these pics soon :P) were back at the cottage soon after lunch in time to watch the top 10 shoot out from there.

We had an eventful trip to say the least - with gearbox troubles, changing trailers to different cars - oops.... the plugs dont work!!!!!!!! ARGH! and so much more.
Paul has finally arrived home (explain later) and we've found the sad news that one of the drivers - Mark Porter -who was involved in a crash on Friday on the 12th lap of the 14 lap development race. The other guy who was involved in the crash - David Clark - seems to be recovering. *sigh* what to say to that :o( a sad ending.

We also got a phonecall tonight to say one of Pauls relatives are in hospital with fluid on the lungs. *please pray for him*

Anyhow I must head to bed and get some sort of sleep before my lovely munchkin wakes up!
Ive got a REALLY busy day tomorrow! :o)

A busy weekend

Gregory with Craig Lowndes on Friday.

(theres a few more pics on his bloggie:

Lowndes wasn't too sure about the MUPRH- HOLDEN shirt tho!! hehehe

Monday, October 02, 2006

Kite weather

Heres my Gregory showing off last night! *huggles*
Today has been a pretty good day. Paul and I finally got to and got the house cleaned and tidied :o) It does help that Gregory has been so much more tired than usual - Methinks its due to his walking furniture and crawling EVERYWHERE!!
Gregory and I also got to go shopping for a while before joining Paulie at the park to fly his dads 2mtr kite. It was so much fun - Gregory was still a little nervous about the whole kite and strings things so I let him touch it and see it up close and play with the strings a little before we let it go a little way. He took to watching it then.... not just crying at it! He started getting tired so I brought him home while Paulie had a bit more of a fly and you wouldn't believe when I stopped on the way home to show Gregory the kite over the trees and houses, he pointed and waved at it with a smile :o)
Tonight My parents came over for dinner. It was great to see them - they had dinner a little later than us tho - we gotta eat while we can around here!! They arrived just as Gregory finished his bath. I think he really enjoyed having some time with Grandma and Grandad.
I've helped Paulie by stitching some more of his badges onto his overalls - happens before he marshalls each time! Always has some more to go on :o) I don't mind tho - wish I was putting them on MY overalls to marshall too... .maybe next year? Fingers crossed! Would be good, I do miss the opportunity and the excitiment.
Anyhow - lots planned for tomorrow,... we're going to the Park for Playgroup and I think Chelsea and Lynda might join us and Paul will meet us there for lunch. Should be a lovely day for the park! Tomorrow night looks busy packing for Bathurst! Argh! its this weekend! Im getting excited!
Talk to you all later - have a fantabulous week :o)