Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Longtime no bloggie

Hey all,
Sorry I've been a slacker.... what can I say hehehe... well I have been keeping Greggies blog sorta up to date - I don't feel like repeating myself all the time!! haha
Its been quite a while since I updated.... like last YEAR even! So Happy Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.

I spent most of Christmas Day at my folks house with about 20 other people. We saw Pauls parents on the way (share presents with them, Andy, Megs, Mike and Makayla) It was so good to have all the family around. We got spoiled with so many pressies and a wonderful feast for lunch. (The photo is Greg and I when we got home from Christmas lunch.)

Boxing day we spent at the in-laws for left overs. There was so much food and it was all so yummy. (thats what the season is all about huh?)
Paul went back to work for the rest of the week - although we (Greg and I) did go and visit him a little while the office was quiet.

For New Years Eve we went out to dinner with Lynda Grum and Chelsea at Hogs Breath and had a yummy dinner before watching a movie at their house and retreating before midnight. Paul and I did count the New Year in and watched some of the fireworks....
New Years Day Paul & I flew the HUGE kite that his parents gave us.... it lifted us BOTH off the ground and we ended up with war-wounds all round..... still recovering!! Yes.... they got it back... we did think that a 4 & 1/2 mtr kite was a LITTLE big for us!! the 4mtr kite would lift a 90kg person off the ground!!! I think we are going to get a smaller one instead.

Over the last few weeks I've had some friends come and visit. My friends from school, Jaye and Kelly both dropped by over the holiday season. Kelly is newlywed and brought her hubby David with her. It was great to see them both. I can't wait to catch up with them both again soon. Jaye also brought her boyfriend Matt with her. She seems to be quite happy living and working in Canberra.
Sarah, a friend from Uni spent the day in Dubbo and we 'did lunch' and went shopping. It was great to catch up with her. I'm not sure what her plans are for the year although I know she'll be in Sydney for a while.
Also friend of mine, Emma and her boyfriend Lee came and visited this week too. Emma and I spent some time fixing up a computer of hers and Lee played with Greggie - I'm not sure who had more fun!!!
I've also been out to dinner with Paul, Greggie and Paul Tres to Chinese (yummy!!) We watched a couple of movies... Greggie didn't mind watching the Looney Tunes one with us!! Tres also dropped by earlier today to bring some photos that he printed out for us. (here's one that Paul Tres dropped off :o))

Bubba2 has been making mischief.... only have about 15 weeks until due date! (argh!) So I've got some work to do in 'my' room cleaning it up and making room for bubba! Paul will have to make some room in 'his' office for me to put a desk and my scrapbooking stuff. I've been a little run down lately too... low iron levels... not good .... doesn't help in trying to look after Gregory when I'm struggling to even look after myself. I'm now on a high-dose iron tablet which has helped tremendously and I feel about 80% better. I think the tiredness now is just the whole pregnancy thing... I know i was quite similar with Greg from this time onwards. It's hard to believe that there'll be another little baby joining us so soon!!

Paul and I have been catching up on our box-set watching as with some of our Christmas $$ & gift vouchers we bought the box-set of 24, and Seasons 1 & 2 of LOST. We're looking forward to season 3 of Lost coming out really soon!!!

Well theres not a lot more to say except we are planning a trip to Sydney. Not sure if it will go ahead atm as there's a lot of contributing factors - and we will be in Sydney in February anyhow for Greggies hip check-up.

Take care and talk to you guys soon.
