Saturday, April 14, 2007

Mitchell is home!!!!!

Ok everyone! I am home... been a little slack with the ol' bloggie!! So heres a blog about little Mitchell!
Mitchell Edward was born 8:13 on Thursday 5th April. He weighed 2990g and was 50cm long. We stayed at the hospital for a week but are so glad to be home!!!

He had lots of visitors at the hospital - Daddy and big brother Greggie, Aunty Val, Aunty Pam, Aunty Megan, Aunty Lynda, Uncle Jon, Uncle Michael, Uncle Grum, Uncle Andy, Gran, Grandpa, Nanna, Cousins Chelsea and Makayla, Great Gran A, Great Gran & Poppa, Beaux, Sarah & Paul T, Sharon and her 3 children Mattia, Daniel and Machaela....

He has settled in well to life at home and Greg is taking it all in his stride. Thursday night when we brought him home Gregory patted him on the head with a washer that I was using a burp cloth (we also use them in the bath to wash Gregory... he was pretending to wash Mitchell!!) but he was so gentle with Mitchell. Friday morning Gregory climbed up to sit next to me while I was feeding Mitchell and patted Mitchell ever so gently on the head and looked up at me to check that he was doing something that was ok. When I told Gregory that he was good boy, he promptly got down off the lounge, went looking for Daddy and swang his arms in proudness.
He soon came back over and I showed Gregory Mitchells hand and tired to get him to hold it but he wouldnt. Shortly after this, Mitchell streched and Gregory reached for him and held his hand. He looked so proud once again.
Last night we went to Graham and Lyndas for dinner and Mitchell was on my lap. Gregory just walked by and wasn't phased but Chelsea came up and wanted to know what was going on. She kept playing with his little feet! She also started to try and say Mitch.... but you can imagine what it really sounds like as she puts a "B" infront of everything...... At least she's trying!!!
This morning I was feeding Mitchell and Gregory climbed up onto my lap (yes with Mitchell) reached over Mitchell and cuddled me! Aww.... He also patted Mitchell on the head softly and snuggled into the both of us. It was so lovely!! I think Gregory is coping rather well!
This afternoon, Mitchell was on the floor after having his nappy changed and Gregory tried to pick him up to nurse him. I helped and Gregory had Mitchell sitting in his arms and lap with a huge big brother grin on his face!! He looked so proud again!!
Anyhow... check out the next blog for piccies... :o)