Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Photo News

Hey all,
Just a quick update. Today Mitchell and I were in the Dubbo Photo News. The photo was taken while we were still in hospital and Mitchell was still in the Nursery.
Since my last blog, we've taken Mitchell on his first family outing - we went to the Mall... Megs came with us. While we were there, Gregory saw a motorbike that was being used as a prop for a photo thingo. I ended up giving in and having his pic taken.... Haven't done that before (except Santa photo). He really enjoyed sitting on the bike but didn't want to get off!!! Oh well.... they ended up distracting him with a ball and all was good.
We also went to visit my Grandma (mums mother) who was delighted to see both her great grandsons Gregory & Mitchell. Gran finally had a hold of Mitchell (link to pic of Gran and Mitchell) and thought he was just perfect. awww....

The midwife also came around to visit and checked and weighed Mitchell. He is now past his birth weight which is great news. He is sleeping and feeding well.

Gregory is coping quite well with the changes of the new baby.... except he likes being rough with any other 'baby' visitors (Makayla and Chelsea).... I think this is because he has been playing a little rough with Dad.... oops! I think Dad has decided not to play that too much anymores..... we'll see!! Anyhows, he'll learn soon enough (we hope!!)

Pammie will be home this weekend...... Can't wait to see her again :o) yayay. Not much else happening... be watching the v8's but not much else.
Anyhows, must scoot.... a few things to do before dinner.
Take care y'all.

1 comment:

Pamz0r said...

Hey chicken,
that is really cute! The whole lot of it! from the greg on a bike to the picture of gran aikins and mitchell, gran is such a sweetie, and that picture is brilliant. Its the perfect (for lack of a better word) contrast between new life and ageing. but perhaps im looking too deeply into a simple photograph.
You mentioned Me :o) how sweet!
Can't wait to come visit!!
*hugs* take care!!