Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Contemplation & New Perspective

Hey all,

Today I got the DCS newsletter in the mail, and I've been thinking about life since then. There was a link to this blog - http://www.georginabrooke.blogspot.com/ for a little girl who is in year 3/4 at school. This gorgeous darling is in an induced coma and has been for 20 days. The doctors are still not sure what is causing her problems or how to treat her. It's awesome to see the support from the Christian community for her and her family. Theres been comments and prayers on her blog from all over the place and from people who don't know her. I found myself weeping at the keyboard, unable to type my own comments while reading the situation she is in and the prayers/comments of others who visit her site.
It makes me wonder how and why something like this happens to such a precious child. I couldn't imagine being so helpless seeing my own child in such a situation. It was hard enough for me to let Gregory go into surgery for his hip - knowing the cause and treatment, let alone being able to cope with not knowing the cause or treatment. Please pray for her and her family, and the doctors treating her.

On a brighter note, Mitchell had ultrasound scans on his hips yesterday and also some blood tests. Paulie picked up the u/s scan today - and I opened them .... oooo norti me! Mitchie has been given the all clear for his hips!! It's such a relief!! Just hanging out for the blood test results which we should get back next week when we visit the doctor.
We (Greg, Mitch and me) just went over to the shop to tell my mum and brother the good news.We stopped by and saw Gran A on the way home. It was lovely to see her.

Other news:
Pammie comes home this weekend :o) YAYAYAY
It's Mothers Day on Sunday (2nd one for me ). I'm having family over and cooking a baked dinner - Yummy!!
Greggie has 2 more teeth coming through ARGH!

Anyhow... going to try and get some rest! *yeh right..... *

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